

EDITORIAL: Is anti-crime plan just a glossy brochure?

WHEN the current administration launched its anti-crime plan in response to the wave of killings that marked the start of this year, FNM chairman Dr Duane Sands described it as a “glossy brochure”.

EDITORIAL: How easy would it be if govt would only listen?

ONE of the common frustrations with government is the feeling that as a whole it does not listen.

EDITORIAL: Police must stay away from bias

THERE are serious matters to be considered after the FNM complained of collusion between PLP operatives and the police.

EDITORIAL: Failing to provide ‘ease of doing business’

IF there is one phrase that The Bahamas continues to fail to live up to, it is “ease of doing business”.

EDITORIAL: Bail change sounds good, but what will it really mean?

IT all sounded very powerful and purposeful – no more bail for those who commit offences while out on bail already.

EDITORIAL: Be grateful for international support, but mind the red tape

THERE is a saying – often said to be an African proverb but whose exact origin is unclear – that comes to mind after today’s story in The Tribune about support being pledged by the United Kingdom in case of future hurricanes.

EDITORIAL: What is govt’s end game in GBPA row?

WHAT is the government trying to achieve with its ongoing dispute with the Grand Bahama Port Authority?

EDITORIAL: Implementing crime crackdown not easy

THE hurdles faced in implementing any crackdown in crime are challenging – and in today’s Tribune we see a glimpse of the difficulty, and a hint of the price people may be asked to pay.

EDITORIAL: Are we doing enough to reduce crime?

IN what is surely the deadliest start to any year, another two murders yesterday brought the total – at the time of writing – to 14 murders for the year. All in just 17 days.

EDITORIAL: Crime is now govt’s top priority

FROM the off, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis made it clear he had not expected to be giving a national address on crime last night.

EDITORIAL: What is the plan to tackle crime?

ANOTHER day, another murder. And then prayers, for a little boy who was doing nothing wrong in the world but who was shot in the head by a coward of a man who opened fire on three women and a child.

EDITORIAL: Evidence there to check the facts

EVIDENCE is a powerful thing.

EDITORIAL: Leave no stone unturned to end violence

THE fight against crime should not need to be a partisan matter. Reducing the number of murders in particular should be a goal that we all strive towards together.

EDITORIAL: No priority for Freedom of Information

SO it turns out that Freedom of Information is not one of Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis’ top priorities. Forgive us if we are not shocked.

EDITORIAL: DeSantis and his Bahamas rhetoric

What is RonDeSantis’ problem with The Bahamas?