Two Bimini men missing at sea

Nazar Robins and James Toote, Jr.

Nazar Robins and James Toote, Jr.


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE family of two men who went missing on Sunday while travelling from Grand Bahama to Bimini are praying they will be safely found. 

James Toote, Jr, and Nazar Robins, were travelling to Bimini at about 2.30pm on Sunday. According to family, Mr Toote had recently purchased the vessel in Grand Bahama and Mr Robins was “catching a ride” to their hometown in Bimini.

Renee Robins, the mother of 24-year-old Nazar Robins, told The Tribune yesterday that she remains hopeful that her son will return home in good health.

“I am praying for the best,” she said yesterday. “I am praying for whatever and that God is in charge.”

 Ms Robins said: “I don’t know what transpired. One of my other sons informed me that the boat was overdue.

 “It (the boat) was supposed to leave Freeport at 2.30pm on Sunday afternoon and about 1.30am that morning, he (my son) came and told me and my husband after they was calling around trying to see where they were or if they were still in Freeport or what. My husband got up and went to the police station and made a report.” 

 Ms Robins said her son is a father of one, calling him a “community guy”. 

 She said the family has sought assistance from the Bahamas Air Sea Rescue Association (BASRA), the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, the United States Coast Guard, along with private vessels for rescue efforts from Monday onward. Officials did not comment further up to the time of going to press.

 Scores of family and friends took to social media to bring awareness to the matter, pleading with the boating community to provide additional assistance.


birdiestrachan 1 year, 2 months ago

Some times the sea becomes very rough I pray they are all right and if they are they will contact their families


stillwaters 1 year, 2 months ago

Another news outlet is reporting that they are in the custody of the Broward police force.


Sickened 1 year, 2 months ago

Oh Lord! I wonder how many people/pounds were onboard?


BMW 1 year, 2 months ago

Was going to ask if any one checked across the gulf stream?


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