VIDEO: Opposition MPs suspended for two sittings

Picewell Forbes, Glenys Hanna Martin, Chester Cooper, Philip Davis and Fred Mitchell outside the House of Assembly.

Picewell Forbes, Glenys Hanna Martin, Chester Cooper, Philip Davis and Fred Mitchell outside the House of Assembly.


HOUSE Speaker Halson Moultrie recommended in a motion that Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin be suspended for two sittings of Parliament.

He said his recommendation was based on her "grossly disrespectful" behaviour.

As he gave his explanation on what prompted his recommendation, Opposition Leader Philip Davis stood waiting to be recognised. However he was not recognised and ultimately insisted he was standing on a point of privilege.

As he stood, Bamboo Town MP Renard Wells, who is leader of government business, stood and was acknowledged. He then moved the motion that the Englerston MP be suspended from the service of Parliament. This motion was seconded by Southern Shores MP Frankie Campbell.

Upon moving the motion with the question of who opposed, all three opposition MPs stood.

Moments later, they all gathered their belongings and exited the chamber.

Speaker Moultrie then ordered they be suspended for two sittings.


Sickened 6 years, 3 months ago

These last few PLP's are determined to continue the PLP legacy of not representing their constituents. The 'all for me' syndrome just can't stop rearing it's ugly head!


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

Don't agree, we're once again seeng the damaging result of a very informed speaker.

We only need to go back a few short months to when another uninformed speaker trampled over the democratic process and allowed Jerome Firzgerald to read private emails in parliament that had no bearing on anything. The only thing those emails showed was someone knew someone else, there was no evidence of anything just mere speculation. That uninformed speaker came back months later when the issue died down to say he regretted making that decision and if he had to do it again...

This is ridiculous. The speaker is supposed to function as an INDEPENDENT body. He is acting like the FNM's hammer. Notice he said zipdydo when Emmanuel ran on and on about a husband beating up his wife


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

That's the damaging result of a very UNINFORMED speaker. Btw "Uninformed" was the term Chief of Staff John Kelly used to describe Donald Trump.


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Sickened, doesn't alarm when the House Speaker occupies an hour House's time to dwell on a conspiracy against Minnis? {Why make comedy skit up that out blue appears two more before unknown Rules Books}.


realitycheck242 6 years, 3 months ago

What did The late Myles Munroe say " There shall emerge in the next twelve months leaders you have never seen before" "We cannot wear the old armour anymore" "The time for a new leadership has been birth" The prophecy is being fulfilled The old guard in being removed See link https://youtu.be/tEqduQVu4x0">https://youtu.be/tEqduQVu4x0 May he rest in peace.


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Ma Comrade RealityCheck242, don't really have much to add beyond the House Speaker and his never before in time of 288 years discovered rules books - mouthed away for an hour make a complete jackass himself and all 288 years.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

Everybody keep quoting this thing, but his time was way off. These new leaders didn't show up "in the next twelve months". The bible also says if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound..

I know another pastor who keep prophesying that this year will be the year when big money comes, this was from three years ago, he gives a specific date by which the money will come, BUT, you have to give love offerings to the church for the prophesy to come true. Then when the date approaches and passes he tells the congregation, Don't lose hope a new season is coming!


birdiestrachan 6 years, 3 months ago

Tthere was a rude female voice saying good by, it appears at one time according to the video the two men on the end were not tapping on the desk, Small things, roc wit doc were elated and thumped the desk as hard as they could.

They will do well to remember All will have their day. Things will change in the twinkle of an eye, and the majority of those FNM in the house right now it will be their first and last time.

When Mr: Rider was talking about Dumb Bahamians. He must have been talking about those FNM Fellows. The Last laugh is always the best laugh.


Sickened 6 years, 3 months ago

You wrote verbatim what the FNM's were saying when the PLP were last in power. Seems like we all continue to vote for rude and foolish MP's.


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Ma Comrades, the Speaker never revealed who the author(s) were of the long 288 years lost Parliamentary Rule Books,,,, you does knows many books are published posthumously.


birdiestrachan 6 years, 3 months ago

It is my hope that when the tables are turned, and they will turn. That the PLP Government will behave in a most upstanding manner, Mature and respectful of all the members of the house


John 6 years, 3 months ago

Dramatic overkill by the speaker of the house. With such a small opposition and government already having full power and control, there is no need for draconian moves by the speaker. How many times have members walked out without getting suspended. The matter with Glenys Hanna and the speaker could have been resolved in private Just add up the amount of police hours alone that has to be dispatched today and probably for the next two sittings of the house. The public is leaning towards the opposition on this one.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

Totally agree, Halson Moultrie killed democracy today


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

Which public "ya talkin bout". . .even though I though that the speaker "lost it" and went personal and in the gutter. . .HANNA-MARTIN WAS OUT OF ORDER FROM THE WORD GO. . .carrying on like a spoiled brat! The word out here actually is" "she sound so dumb. . .the speaker asked her for the rule she referring to and she started shouting that he is attacking her. . .when all he asked is for the rule". But, I must add. . .Mr. Speaker will get his last behavious "censored" for sure!


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

They talking about borrowing 90 million, what happen to the 185 million they just borrow? The year even over and the next budget approaching. And nobody in there to ask them a thing about it. This is not good for BAHAMIANS


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

If you would stop red or yellowing every little thing you will see that the money is from a special program offered by international bodies for port developments. . .no deficit burrowing. The batch is only one of others burrowed this year for specific capital works projects. . .you must wait for the budget debate and see how much they are burrowing next fiscal period. . .THEN WE GER ALL SAY "HEY . . .ALL THEM PEOPLES DEM YALL LAY OFF FROM PS AND SAVED ALL THAT MONEY. . .WHY THIS BIG DEFICIT BURROWING". But when ya play politics all the time ya end up talking K-5 stuff and we don't get anywhere!


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

Does the IDB expect to be paid back? Or did I not hear "borrow". And I een red or yellowing nothing, that's your job. I was and am equally as hard on the PLP for their foolishness. I am in shock at the way FNMs who were crying their eyeballs out before May 10, are ok'ing everything because..well it's the FNM so it's ok.

Expelling the entire opposition is Kim Jung-UN time


birdiestrachan 6 years, 3 months ago

They need 90 million to pay for all the out spoken QC will sue them for.


DEDDIE 6 years, 3 months ago

I know Mr. Moultrie personally and he is a no nonsense guy. Ironically, he ran previously as a PLP and an FNM before winning as an FNM this time around.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

It doesn't matter if he have plenty sense or no sense in his personal life, or if he ran for the DNA too. the position requires KNOWLEDGE of procedure that he clearly doesn't have.

This is the same crap they do with the senate, throw any old person in there to profile and putt a new govt plate on their car, these are the people who are supposed to be reviewing our laws to ensure there are no legal loopholes. For example, what's the point of putting Henfiekd in the Senate if he's gonna run to Dr Minnis and ask him to send draft legislation to ORG for review??? Review is his job as a senator, if he can't do it resign. We don't have time for this.


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

You know that yoon telling the truth on the speaker. . .he catch HM in a "dumb move" and she tried to lie her way out and the speaker went a got the ZNS DVD and she her that she is not being honest. . .she started on about "he targeting me. . .you targeting me. . .we done settle that in your office. . .now you gone bring this DVD back". . .then he told her to sit down and shut up. . .she walked out.

Mr. Speaker was doing good until today. . .I don't know what that "donkey talkin" he put on today in the house. . .I think his party will "deal with him". . .his behaviour was unbecoming for a speaker!

The Opposition. . .??????????????????????????????. . .what is their point? Noticed that Mr. Cooper was not there? Read between the lines. . ."can you say the race for leadership is live and well in the PLP"!


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Ma Comrades, the Speaker did not follow proper procedure in suspending the three PLP House members - the video proves I am correct.. thus rendering his suspensions as useless to prevent them from returning House... then again the Speaker should look another long lost 288 year old undiscovered rules book on How Properly Suspend PLP House Members.


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

Chile yinna really don't read aye? The national review just explained the procedures ta we today. . .and them jokers went right in the house and "perfectly placed themselves into the violation mold for suspension". . .the key requirement is a resolution by majority members left in the house after they "disrespect" the house and the speaker. When ya only have 4 members in the house ya can't use walk-out as a tool. . .they have all the numbers to sanction yinna every time!!


John 6 years, 3 months ago

Figure this ; The members get suspended for walking out i.e leaving. wouldn't you just would've loved that in high school...getting suspended for skipping skool...rewind this one and come again selector


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

I could just see you "findin reason for walk-out each day and persuading all the other chirrins dem to march"!! Hahahahahahahaha. . .walk ouuuuuuuuuuuuut. . .yea!


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Ma Comrade John, being suspended whilst walking out is not the error the Speaker made, in fact a proper suspension would not have required their physical presence in the House. Never the less, this remains a 'incomplete' suspension the three PLP House members - and must be stricken from Hansard. It cannot stand.


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

Tal please go read the NR today. . .it tells you when and how them MPs can get suspended from the house. . .maybe there are "three" different rule books in that house. . .the one me and the NR is quoting from, the one you using and that "nudder one" the opposition is reading from! NR actually recorded the actual article in the papers today. . .check it out!


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Ma Comrade, if so easily fooled, okay... but unless video is a Fake, the suspension cannot remain in the Hansard.


John 6 years, 3 months ago

"The Tasmanian Parliament was suspended during Question Time amid a fiery exchange over the Government's forestry legislation, set to be debated by the Upper House.

The fracas saw Greens leader Cassy O'Connor banned from the chamber for the rest of the day after calling Speaker Elise Archer a "lunatic"."...banned for the rest of the y for calling the spaker a looney bin


TalRussell 6 years, 3 months ago

Imagine this hey Ma Comrade John, such behaviour when all the members the Tasmanian parliament are pure white people.... unlike our light-skinned men's who once controlled Bay Street.


licks2 6 years, 3 months ago

I think the intent was to show the rules and protocols in our mother house in the mother land. . .


John 6 years, 3 months ago

"Conservative MP Simon Burns joked about "dastardly rumours" that he and Speaker John Bercow did not get on, in a laughter-filled speech to the Commons.

"Mr Speaker, I think it is time we buried the hatchet... preferably not in my back," he said."


John 6 years, 3 months ago

"When I called the Right Hon. Member for Plymouth, Devonport (Dr. Owen) a pompous sod, Mr. Speaker said to me, 'You had better withdraw that'. I said I would withdraw 'pompous', but said, Mr. Speaker 'That's not the word I'm looking for.' There was laughter in the House and everyone thought that I had hit the nail on the head. I thought that that was a real parliamentary triumph, but Mr. Speaker thought differently. He said, 'Off you go,' and I did not get a chance to reply."


John 6 years, 3 months ago

"I have been kicked out of this place about seven times, but I did not have any chance to explain. No one said to me, "Dennis, will you explain why you said that the Right Hon. Member for Chingford (Mr. Tebbit) was lining his pockets when he picked up that non-executive directorship of British Telecom?" I would have loved to tell everyone all about that, but Mr. Speaker said, "On your bike - early bath," and off I had to go"


concernedcitizen 6 years, 3 months ago

All of this is a bunch of nonsense , 30 million dollars at a minimum went missing from road traffic under this MPs watch ,and what did they do,,they try to discredit the auditor general as they did over the Urban renewel report ..Come on have some shame ,,go away ,,Her party put 2 billion more on our national debt and blew through a billion in VAT money w out one major or even minor infrastructure project .Please please just go away ,, ,,is there no end to how long we have to put up w these parasites ..Hey 30 to 40 million dollars went missing from road traffic under this MPs watch ..please please just go the ,,,,, away ,,being part of or family to the people that leads us to majority rule does not give u the right to plunder us the taxpayer forever .


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 3 months ago

We know what Paul do, it doesn't excuse Peter. This is not the way to do it!!! "Well y'all do it too", "look what y'all do". This is craziness


concernedcitizen 6 years, 3 months ago

I will beat both my pinkies very little U S cash paid in to road traffic ever made it to the treasury


John 6 years, 3 months ago

Why are y’all pointing at that subdivision out west, past the airport?


John 6 years, 3 months ago

Do you realize that the speaker has suspended THE ENTIRE OPPOSITION?


realfreethinker 6 years, 3 months ago

The speaker run hot "My name might begin with an M but the first three letters are Mou and not Mit. Don’t mix me up. I am not a soft, powder puff man. I am a real man.


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