Extra security for Grove after double shooting

SHAVONNA Adderley and Gladstone Francis.

SHAVONNA Adderley and Gladstone Francis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE say they will beef up security in the Coconut Grove area after a 26-year-old woman and her uncle were killed in the community only a day apart last week.

A police spokesman confirmed this when contacted by The Tribune yesterday.

“That’s ongoing as we speak,” the police spokesman said, when asked about increased patrols/manpower in the area in view of the recent shootings which killed two and injured two others.

Shavonna Adderley, a mother of a seven-year-old boy, was killed after gunmen discharged shots at her and a group of other people outside a home on First Street around 8pm Friday.

Her uncle, Gladstone Francis Jr, was fatally wounded at the same address a day earlier.

In that incident, police said a light-coloured mid-size vehicle pulled up to the Grove residence and discharged a weapon at a man and woman after 9pm Thursday.

They were both taken to hospital by private vehicle, however, Francis Jr died later.

Close relatives said Shavonna was visiting family members that day to offer condolences concerning the death of her uncle, Francis Jr, before the shooting incident happened.

“All of us was there giving our condolences to the family, sitting down talking and hanging,” her mother Yvonne Adderley told The Tribune on Sunday.

“But then I left them there because I had another little job to do. So, I told (Shavonna) “I’m going now, I’m going to leave and make sure when Shawn come, y’all go home.” Shawn is her brother.

“An hour later, I got the call and they told me that someone shoot up the yard again and my daughter get shoot.”

Videos purporting to be of Friday’s incident circulated on social media, showing two men getting out of a white car and firing shots at a home before leaving the scene.

However, this could not be confirmed by police yesterday.

Family members believe the killings were an act of retaliation for a shooting that occurred in March, when several women were shot at on Second Street, the Grove.

“From what I understand, (someone in the area) just got out of jail and I don’t know if you remember the shooting that happened a few months ago with the four girls in the car. Well, he was the one who (allegedly) do the shooting for that,” Mrs Adderley said.

“He just come out of jail and that’s who they want so that’s what it is. So, they just don’t care, and I guess they saying because they can’t get him, they will get whoever close to him.”

Shavonna leaves behind a seven-year-old son, whose father was killed in 2019.

Francis Jr also leaves behind several children, The Tribune was told.

Police say they are still searching for suspects in connection with both shooting incidents. However, anyone with information is asked to call police at 502-9991/2 or Crime Stoppers at 328-TIPS (8477).


xtreme2x 2 years, 11 months ago



John 2 years, 11 months ago

Police are still operating like a fire engine going around ‘putting out fires,’ when there seems to be a full fledged war going on in several parts of the inner city and in some of the fringe neighborhoods. But what else can the police do except collect bodies then come to the press. Notice how the narrative have change from the victims being ‘known to police’ or having, ‘having a long criminal history,’ or ‘recently released from prison,’ to ‘we don’t want to violate the person’s rights?’ A number of recent shooting victims were female, with no criminal history and not associated with any criminal. Some were also children. And some were young men who may have ran on the streets in their youth, but had recently put a man head on their body, got a job, started a family and became productive citizens. So is it a matter of their past catching up with them? Not always. Some say there is a new culture on the streets. ‘If they want you and can’t find you, they will start gunning down anyone related to you or anyone associated you.’ And ‘even after they get you, that doesn’t always be enough to satisfy them, so they still coming after your family or ur boys.’ Chilling words. It now takes more than one life to repay for a wrong doing. How can the police now intervene and stop the bloodshed? And it’s not just here on Nassau, but some cities around the world, the US especially have seen their violent crime and murder rate increase by 2.000 percent. The streets are hungry for blood!


tribanon 2 years, 11 months ago

Talk about too little, too late, and as an after thought!

The light bulb over Police Commissioner Rolle's head has been blown for years. As for the light bulb over Dames's head, it's flickering so much that it might just as well be blown too.


JohnDoes 2 years, 11 months ago

Well lets not forget that the Police will not ever 'Prevent' crimes from happening, the nature of the Criminal Justice system throughout the world is only Reactive, this is not the 'Minority Report'; however, Proactive measures to reduce crime accompanied by good sensible practices to thwart criminal activity must always be of priority. Criminals do not go on vacation, they hunt when they see opportunity like the Hyenas of the African bush.


bogart 2 years, 11 months ago

Hmmmmm.....beef up security....more patrols.....??? What seems to be the commonsense from beginning would have been to brought the CID arm to be meeting residents, and questioning people clues, leads etc to go to the causes and sources of these acts to bring it to the end.


John 2 years, 11 months ago

The BIGGEST part of crime in this country is discrimination and economic disenfranchisement aand emasculitation of the Black Bahamian. It is not a crime problem. It is a social and economic problem. CRIME is a symptom and that is why it is not going away but getting worse. Minnis needs to get the right people on the ground and get young men employed and get their fundamental rights back and allow them to become full fledged citizens again and stop following the US with its crippled, racist policies. Marvin Dames is about declaring war on Bahamians and having police kill off the young black men. Bahamians. Look and see how he is turning the ministry of national security building into a fortress, preparing for war. If you allow Dames a second term as minister of national security, hundreds more Bahamians will die. Many at the hands of police. Stay Woke!


John 2 years, 11 months ago

When Atlantis was built (Black) Bahamians learned and took over many of the skills, technology and crafts necessary to construct and complete that project. And which has proven to be well constructed to withstand time and hurricanes. Same with the roads projects. But when Bah Mar came is blatantly said you nuggets (err Bahamians ) step aside, we bringing in our own people. And that project was wroth with problems. Both technical and workmenship. And today they don’t


John 2 years, 11 months ago

Bill Cosby is being released from prison after refusing to sign a statement admitting that he is a sexual predator. The dirty dogs will use you then this!


John 2 years, 11 months ago

Has Minnis ever directly addressed the crime crisis in this country and his plans to deal with it? More people are currently dying from crime and murder than from Covid-19, but at least one government official is in the media every day talking about corona and pressing the public to take the vaccine.


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