Blame stirs up memories

EDITOR, The Tribune.

PERSONS who have no sense of their own history should not be allowed to be spokespersons.

There is an ad on the radio waves where the blame for 449 murders is placed on the doorstep of the FNM administration.

Perhaps the script was given and they are just mouthing what was laid out before them.

This approach may get some mileage with a particular sector of the voting community, but there is a larger constituency for whom those memories are particularly painful, and the dismal state of affairs in the late 1980s that gave the Bahamian voter no other option than to vote the then governing party, out of office. There is still a gnawing pain within the Bahamian psyche, a pain that reminds us of what it used to be like twenty plus years ago, and anyone who has the nerve to put this kind of ad on the waves is desperate, misinformed, ill advised or out of touch with their history.

Whatever the perceived gains, it is not worth the stirring up of those particular memories.



April 2, 2012.


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