Are laws on raffles being broken?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Licences to hold raffles or games of chance......my understanding is you require to apply to the government, I believe this falls under the Minister of Tourism, Wilchcombe but anyone organising a raffle must get a licence.

I suspect here is yet another example of everyone breaking the laws… one of the web shops on Collins Avenue has a big banner over the front of their building advertising that if you play you qualify to enter a raffle for a house – a car and other valuable prizes.

My question: do these people have a licence or are we again looking the other way and permitting the breaking of the law?

Remember the FNM licensed all these web shops knowing what they were going to do and just looked the other way – it seems this lawlessness is catching as I am sure more were licensed prior to and after 2012 by the PLP.

No wonder we have a lawless society – government is the principal instigator and then they go to the House of Assembly and pretend they are better than God Himself.

If the Ministry of Tourism knows then the Attorney General or the police need to enforce the law against him and the organiser of the raffle – this is brazen and who cares?



November 14, 2012.


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