Tribune Staff Reporter
ISLAND Luck CEO Sebas Bastian said yesterday he "contributed" to the campaigns of both major political parties during the last general election.
Mr Bastian made his comments on More 94 fm's Orthland H Bodie show while discussing a Tribune article on the subject.
He was responding to accusations made by former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham that the government is fast-tracking a limited referendum on gambling to satisfy commitments made to web shop businesses.
At a press conference last week, Mr Ingraham said: "It is mind boggling to wrap your head around a referendum that’s going to decide whether or not gaming, which takes place by the illegal number operations in the Bahamas, and whether we should have a national lottery, but Bahamians will not have an opportunity to determine whether or not they can gamble in the casino."
“You can’t put it forward and then say your hands are clean. You can’t make a deal with the number fellas before election, get their money, and then call upon me to support you and to vote for it. I wouldn’t waste my time with such a referendum.”
Mr Bastian denied making a deal with the government but did say he did contribute to the PLP and the FNM in the May 7 election.
"I am not ashamed to say I contributed. I do not know about others, but I can speak for myself," he said.
"I am a Bahamian citizen and I was in business from I was 17. I have always contributed to both parties or whoever candidate was running. If I felt they could make a difference in the community, I would help. As an individual, I contributed to both parties in the last election."
Mr Bastian also took the time to "clear the air" on his views about the Church and the legalizing of gambling.
" We can respect the church but we are not asking for the church support,” he said. “We will do our jobs and they will do God's work and whatever it is that they do. We will not attack them or make any public statements. But I do not want to be condemned. When I speak, I speak to the industry and I want the same respect. This back and forth public attack is unnecessary."
"We just want to do what is in the best interest of the people. This is not the Christian Council or We Care. It is about the people, the people will decide this. As Bahamian citizens we will have to abide by the people's choice as we do in a general election."
Mr Bastian said no one in “We Care” has been offered anything by the government. In fact he said they do not even know who is getting a license or if gambling will be legalized. He said they are just voicing their views on the industry.
The We Care Coalition is a group advocating the legalization of gambling.
Arob 12 years, 5 months ago
I heard Mr. Bastian. I think that he would be more accurate to say that he did not make a donation to the party PLP, FNM. What he did was give monies to "selected candidates" who happen to be candidates of the PLP and FNM. Perhaps those "selected candidates" elected and not elected, should "get up and stand up" and acknowledge receipt of the "illegal" funds.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 5 months ago
what do you except a man running an illegal business to say ,,lmao
Mayaguana34 12 years, 5 months ago
I just wish the police would do their job and arrest these confessed criminals - Sebass says he doing his and the church doing theirs - Somebody please call Commish and ask him to do his! This optional enforcement is a slippery slope..
bahamianfemale 12 years, 5 months ago
It would be interesting to know how much was contributed to each party, I'm sure we'd all be surprised by the answer.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 5 months ago
i thought sebas was a fish ??????????????????or is it one of those new names where you don,t say it as its spelled ,phonectically ..i hate that ,guessing how some person that thinks they are extremely important pronounces their name ..sorry bro ur name sounds like sea bass to me ,and in most cultures a name ending in a is female and o is a male ...
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