Parliament at an all-time low

EDITOR, The Tribune.

July 25, 2012 unfortunately will go down in the history books as the day when the Bahamian Parliament reached an all time low. I listened to the Speaker admit live on T.V. that he had given Hubert Ingraham his word and promise that he would be able to speak first thing after Parliament was in session. We now have an embarrassing situation where the world has watched and now knows that a commitment from the speaker does not mean anything. I was always of the impression that the speaker was in charge of Parliament, but it now appears that he can only do what he is told.

I had the privilege of knowing a man by the name of CHARLES (Charlie) MAJOR Senior who was one of the most honourable gentlemen that you could ever meet. Charlie was a man who lived by his word and you did not need a paper signed if you shook hands on any deal with him. It is very unfortunate that this special trait did not get passed on to some of his descendants. I know that if he could have watched yesterday’s House proceedings he most certainly would have shuddered to hear what was taking place.

I have heard a lot about “Mother” Pratt not being allowed to give a farewell speech, well the PLP and “Mother” Pratt can thank one of their own members for her not being given this privilege (those of you who follow Parliamentary proceedings know exactly who and what I am talking about) to thank her constituents. There are some mouths which are opened in Parliament which would be much better to remain silent unless they have something of substance to offer not just to hear themselves making noise.

There is an old saying which says – when you are powerful be merciful – because the same God that allows you to be powerful is merciful and he can soon take away the power which you abuse by your actions which are very childlike.



July 26, 2012.


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