We must not try to fool God

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I MUST admit that I like to attend political rallies, and it's mainly because I love politics. The occasion is also used to socialise with friends as well as to be informed first hand of what is being promised by candidates "if elected." When I can't attend, I watch on television.

There is a concern that I have, however, of the spiritual songs that are played mainly at the beginning of these rallies and towards the end just before the venue is turned into a night club setting.

When "Nobody's Greater" was played at a Rally I was a bit concern even though I honestly believe that no one in these beautiful islands of ours would be so ignorant as to compare our Prime Minister to Jesus the Christ or even suggest that he is greater than Him. It was obvious to me that two leaders were being compared and in doing so, suggesting that one leader is greater than the other. But we must still be careful, so I was glad that the Honourable Prime Minister found it necessary to quickly make it perfectly clear that he knows that only Jesus The Christ is "greater."

My deep concern is also the use of "Praise and Worship" type songs at these political settings. While there, I witness persons smoking marijuana, selling and drinking alcohol and using profanity all while these holy songs are being played and sung. I believe that when the church congregation go into "Praise and Worship" it is used as an invitation to invite the Holy Spirit to enter their presence. I think it is time for the Rally organisers and/or the DJs to ask the question, "have we really created the spiritual environment to invite The Holy Spirit?" Then the Singer/Entertainer known as Christian Massive sings the very sacred spiritual song "To God Be The Glory" and makes it his own, with political lyrics. I think this boarders on blasphemy.

I am no pastor or religious leader but I think we need to be very careful in our attempt to fool God. Just a thought.



April 24, 2012.


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