Residents were innocent

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ON WEDNESDAY, April 18, 2012, Mr Hubert Ingraham, accompanied by a large group of FNM supporters, did a drive through of Bain Town. At one point they came in contact with Dr Bernard Nottage, the MP, and a large group of PLP supporters, which almost resulted in a serious physical altercation.

This incident has brought a lot of negative attention to and bad comments about Bain Town and its residents. I should like to point out to the residents that the leaders and the vast majority of those involved on both sides are not residents of Bain Town, and have little or no direct relationship thereto. They came, they created a problem and they departed, leaving the people of Bain Town stuck with this black eye. The election will very soon be over and we must still live together and build our community.

Residents of Bain Town, and indeed the Bahamas should decide who they will vote for, and respect the right of others to do the same without intimidation, victimisation or violence. Freedom of choice is one of the cornerstone of democracy.

On a personal note, it is rumoured on the campaign trail that at least one of the three candidates in Bain Grants Town has my endorsement and support. I should like to assure residents that while I wish them all the best, I am completely neutral. Anyone who says I endorse him should not be voted for because he is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

I look forward to the winner coming on board and supporting our Revitalisation Project for Bain Grants Town which has been ongoing for years.



April 23, 2012.


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