Ingraham served us well

EDITOR, The Tribune.

MR INGRAHAM, you did your best and that is all anyone could have asked of you. Your personality was such that you were either loved or reviled. As a staunch FNM supporter, I must admit that every decision that you made I did not like nor agree with, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt because it is easy to criticise when you are on the outside looking in.

There are many political pundits who could have told you how you should have run your office, but they were never given the chance to sit behind your desk. The fact that you were elected prime minister in a free democratic election is an achievement in itself. Some aspire to it and never reach it.

You served your country well and I am grateful for what you have done. It requires tremendous sacrifice and cost to yourself and your loved ones to hold such a position and I applaud you for it.

I have decided that I will not listen to the local talk shows for a while because the lack of maturity and the disrespectful behaviour of the hosts and the callers is sickening. You are now being accused of jumping ship. I want to tell you that you are only answerable to God and your wife for the decision you made. Once you feel at peace, let the tongue lashers continue to placate themselves. One more name added to the ones you have already been given will not hurt. Stay at home and enjoy the rest of your life in peace and solitude enjoying your spouse, children, and grandchildren. The stress and burden of running a country and carrying that load of responsibility is now over. You are free. Revel in it. God only promised us three score and ten. For your remaining years, live, laugh and love, Mr Prime Minister.

While I did not vote for the PLP, I acknowledge that Mr Perry Christie is now the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, and as such he has my respect because the dignity of his office is deserving of it. I will pray for him and his government as the Lord exhorts us to do, that we may prosper and live in peace. I pray that he humbles himself before God and remembers that he is, as Jesus Christ, a servant of the people.

God bless you all and may God bless the Bahamas!



May, 2012.


Freeportgirl 12 years, 4 months ago

Well said.....I commend you Deidre Clarke! This was awesome. HAI is a very respectable person and will always be remembered as ONE OF THE BAHAMAS' GREATEST LEADERS.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 4 months ago

very nice letter and well thought out ..Papa enjoy your family and thanks for everthing ,throw your line in the water and smile . your work is every where for all to see ,Mamas proud of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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