Tough task for Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT IS now 7.15am May 8, 2012, and in the words of Ryan Pinder - "It OVA!" I am proud of the way my fellow Bahamians went to the polls and peacefully casts their votes. While waiting in line, I saw many class acts that made me smile; FNM's and PLP's hugging each other, some engaged in cheerful conversation. Divided in opinion, yet united in their common love for country and fellow man.

To say that I did not expect such a resounding "No!" from the electorate is an understatement. Our people are usually very long suffering, and though at times we may not see the big picture, we tend to wait things out and see how events will unfold. Hence, I was not convinced that the Torch would have been extinguished so soon. It is therefore my humble opinion that it would be remise of the Progressive Liberal Party to not take note of the lessons learned, so as not to make the same mistakes of the previous administration.

To Mr Perry Gladstone Christie: Be assured, sir, that you are in the Marathon of your life. I am only 43 years old, and I know that if you win the support of the Bahamian people "Ya Good!"

This is no small feat, and should never be perceived as a favourable vote of confidence. Beware sir, that your people are not half as tolerant as they used to be. You, however, have been given a golden opportunity to re-write your political legacy. You have much to prove and, in the words of our young folks "you have to bring it!"

The Bahamian electorate will no longer sit by the sidelines and observe quietly. Decisive but compassionate leadership is expected, and accountability of all cabinet ministers is demanded.

We wait with baited breath as we watch the next five years unfold.

May God grant you wisdom and courage as you carry out this herculean task.



May 8, 2012.


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