Seven new PLP Senators

The Cabinet Office announced today that Prime Minister Perry Christie has advised the Governor General to appoint the following persons as senators under article 39 (2) of the Constitution –

Frank Smith, Gregory Burrows, Jerome Gomez, Julian Russell, Gary Sawyer, Alex Storr and Tanisha Tynes.

These seven new senators complement the appointment last Friday of Senator Allyson Maynard-Gibson and Senator Keith Bell.

The Cabinet Office also indicated that the Prime Minister would be advising the Governor-General to appoint three additional senators under article 39 (4) of the Constitution following the required consultation with the leader of the Opposition.

Regarding the appointment of the new senators, the Prime Minister remarked that they collectively represent the youngest group of government senators ever appointed in the history of the Bahamas. This, he said, was yet another early demonstration of his determination to prepare the country for a new generation of leadership.

The Prime Minister added that it was a matter of personal regret that he could not also have appointed Clay Sweeting as a senator but that as Mr Sweeting is still in his 20s he is not constitutionally eligible to serve in the Senate at this time.

The Prime Minister indicated, however, that he would soon be appointing Mr Sweeting to another important position so that he, too, could play a role in national governance.

The Prime Minister also advised that Renardo Curry has indicated a preference to forego a senatorial appointment in order to put himself in a position of maximum readiness for the anticipated by-election in the North Abaco constituency.


concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

wait K Bell is a senator and a minister of state in security , boy he hit the lotto ,thats cuase he did such a good job finding crookedness in the ministry of housing when he was a police inspecter, wink wink ,,,,glad to see hard work and honesty still payoff, LMAO

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

job for Sweeting too ,boy PGC U really getting on this unemployment problem

242 12 years, 10 months ago

Them grey heads represent the youngest? How come you ain let them borrow your dye PC? So all 38 on the payroll yet (well publicly at least)? I waiting for Lady P to get her position.

242 12 years, 10 months ago

Next up Gus Cooper and the Entire Valley Boys Junkanoo Group....

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

yeah and they get to fly all over represent us for tourism ,planes ,hotels and spending cash ..it would be cool if we sent like 20 but it,ll be bout a hundred and become full time jobs

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

wait theres still "not so pleasant",, might be a little someting for VP some where in finance,,,PGC working hard on unempolyment ,now that there straight we can wash there cars ,glad they still looking out for the small man

Arob 12 years, 10 months ago

During the campaign "of truths", the PLP claimed that the FNM government destroyed the economy or as Min. Rolle (Investment) suggested the country was not open for business. Considering the current economic situation (Min. Nottage talked about fiscal constraints) is the gussymae government willing to do what the French government is doing "a 30% pay cut for the President and all of his ministers.". If not, our economy is not as bad as the PLP claims.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

surely you jest ,,there working on the unemployment problem ,,jobs for all ,oooopps sorry i mean jobs for all of them ,i know its only a week but they have already dropped the unemployment rate by .oooooo5 %

Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago

All the jokes aside, this group of senators as unremarkable as they are along with the newly elected members of the house will find the sledding tough going forward. I spit ball estimated before May 7th that the current budget deficit was going to be about $250M considering the reckless drunken spending of Citizen Ingraham, but imagine my utter shock when another daily reports it could be over $300M (which will probably never be mentioned by this unbiased newspaper). Many of you championed the last administration's as a get it done one, but at what cost? Just like in 2002 with the then record $140M one the PLP will be hamstrung coping with another record election year budget shortfall left behind by the FNM. I hope this time around they all focus on the nation building first and cut out the silliness and self-serving behavior for all of our sakes or we're doomed to continue to be stuck between the pit and the pendulum.

Arob 12 years, 10 months ago

The PLP claimed that they had "expert" advice before winning the election. There should be no financial surprises. If there are financial surprises, I hope that the financial team that advised before the election is not the financial team presented to the Bahamian public as the saviors of the economy. (Were the PLP campaign claims based on hot air?) What the FNM did is done. Move forward.... The PLP cannot be allowed to follow in the FNM's footprints of alleged fiscal mismanagement. The purpose of the gussymae cabinet is to give Bahamians the impression that things will get done -- smoke and mirrors. With that being said, the senators are neophytes (Senator Smith is the exception). As one radio personality stated, their job is to review the policies passed by the lower house (House of Assembly). The senate is not a training academy, it is not a part of the 52 Weeks Programme. The Bahamian public (based on the election results) is expecting/demanding change.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

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