Fears that snake was a deadly cobra


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FREEPORT - Department of Agriculture officials are trying to locate a snake that was stoned to death in Williams Town to determine whether fears that it was a deadly cobra are true.

Despite witnesses insisting it was indeed a cobra, the department's assistant superintendent Harold Johnson said locating the carcass and sending it for testing in New Providence is needed for positive identification.

Cobras are not indigenous to the Bahamas. Its venom is lethal and a person could die if not treated with anti-venom serum.

An e-mail was sent to The Tribune on Wednesday of photos of the dead snake. The story was carried in The Freeport News, with the headline "Cobra discovery sparks concern".

Two male residents described their frightening encounter with the snake. They say it stood up in a striking position with its hood expanded, and lunged at them.

In the e-mail, the sender said the two young men were cousin and nephew.

"It flared its hood and stood on its tail and rocked back and forth striking at them - they smashed its head with a rock," she said.

The sender also stated that Hugh Ferguson of Budget Pest Control examined the dead Cobra.

Snakes native to the Bahamas are not harmful. Cobras are ranked among the world's top 10 most deadly snakes.

Mr Johnson said that it is against the law to import non-native snakes, including Cobras, into the country. Permits are not granted for such snakes, he said.

Although the description of the snake seems similar to that of a Cobra, Mr Johnson believes that it could have been a Brown snake, which is native to the Bahamas.

"We are trying to find the snake to determine whether or not it is a Cobra. From what I have read, I am not convinced.

"We do have snakes down here, such as the Brown snakes, that are very aggressive like the Cobra. It is not poisonous but...it stands up and spreads its head - it would move in every direction you move. It could be a Brown snake."

Mr Johnson stressed that it is important they retrieve the snake and send it off to Nassau for verification.

The Tribune spoke with Hugh Ferguson of Budget Pest Control.

He said he was unable to determine whether the snake was a cobra because the head was destroyed.

"We are not sure what we are dealing with right now. The snake was destroyed. Its head was smashed and separated from the body, and so the identity is very difficult," he said.

Mr Ferguson said based on the description given by persons who encountered the snake there is a possibility that it was a non-native species.

He said there are non-native species here on the island such as the corn snakes, which are also aggressive but non-venomous.

Mr Ferguson retrieved the snake on Tuesday afternoon. He said it is black with grey speckles, but the head, which has prominent identification features, is badly disfigured.

"We can't say with 100 per cent certainty that it was Cobra," he said. "We are trying to send the photos off to the University of Miami and to the Philippines so experts can have a look at it," he said.

Mr Johnson said persons should always contact the Department at 352-2144 whenever they come in contact with a non-native species here on the island.


jt 12 years, 7 months ago

This snake was a brown racer, a docile snake native to the Bahamas. Sometimes when threatened they flare a small hood. I suspect that this was in response to being attacked with rocks and not the other way round. Cobras, native to the Old World tropics, are unlikely to be found here. I hope The Tribune uses this as a chance to educate their readers about our native snakes and their needless slaughter.

spoitier 12 years, 7 months ago

You could be right, but caution yourself still because the world is global now and I use to work as a recieving clerk for a company on the island and I found hatch eggs after offloading a trailer some 17 years ago, snakes can travel in trailers and loads especially with the container port on the island. I still think a cobra would've been much bigger than 2 1/2 feet long, so it is probably something else.

Interesting 12 years, 7 months ago

Years ago when I lived in Nassau, I used to frequently purchase plants from a Nursery on Village Rd. near the roundabout. One day when I was there shopping, I saw customers running for the door in lightning speed with the most horrified looks on their faces. I did not ask any questions and I took off too. Come to find out, a huge snake was delivered along with plants and soil of a shipping container which came from South America.

Makes One Wonder!

prd242gurl 12 years, 7 months ago

we cant say for sure it wasn't a cobra because if they can find a cayman here who the heck knows what else got shipped over. but i would not go so quickly as to blame a racer, i have never seen or heard of them having hoods and i have seen a few of those buggers in my day and i'm pretty sure that i would have noticed a hood on one of them while they were trying not to get chopped. never vouch for what hiding in our bushes these days because quite frankly anything is possible.

COOKIEMALONE 12 years, 7 months ago

I live in Abaco and I have had a black snake about 3 1/2' to 4' chase me in my garden and rear up at me. I was walking through an over grown area of the property taking photos of insects when I heard someting rustling in the weeds and when I turned and looked this snake was coming straight at me and reared up but never struck out at me.I was terrified because I had never seen a black snake before.I got up on the porch and tried taking photos but my hands were shaking so bad I didn't get any good shots of it.It definately was not a fowl snake,I have seen many of them having grown up near a chicken farm when I was younger.

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