Ingraham is a man to thank

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I FULLY endorse the letter by Mr Kevin Evans dated May 14, 2012, and thank him for his courage and consistency in writing an accurate account of the recent administration and its outstanding leader. Many of us would wish to add to his comments, but space in newspapers does not permit.

To address the shock upon shock regarding the behaviour of those who opposed the recent administration will also take a lot of time and it will probably be released over time. All I can say now is that in my opinion it was a devilish plan conceived by presumably evil minds.

What I find hard to comprehend is what I heard from the mouth of the then Leader of Opposition after the election that he tried "hard" to keep the then Prime Minister Ingraham from winning his parliamentary seat...Can you believe that a so-called "friend" would say that? Not only would those people seem to go to the lowest depths to win an election at any "costs" but tried to turn one's own family, friends and others against a friend who has done a lot for them.

Remember it was the Ingraham administration that raised the salary of the then Leader of Opposition to that of a Cabinet Minister against all criticisms of civil servants and others because they were not so favoured. We pointed out to them the so-called "friendship" and long term business partnership of the two men.

Another more pertinent example was the inclusion of an Opposition member on the trade mission organised by the then Prime Minister Ingraham consisting of government and business leaders to Europe and the Far East. That person looked out for the Opposition it seemed. There were other instances of course.

Then came the '07 General Election which was won by the FNM and the atrocious reactions in Parliament of Opposition members for years. I do not believe that its leader has ever congratulated the FNM and its leader. There was no pledge to cooperate for the good of the country. There was just seething hatred from that other side.

Finally, the person or persons responsible for erecting those large signs at the airport and every important street junction just to win an election should in my opinion be regarded as enemy or enemies of the state because the signs interfered with our main industry which is tourism.

Because if someone is so careless and reckless to go to the extent of ruining our main industry where for the greater part thousands of Bahamians receive their income, including Government agencies, that individual cannot be putting the country first.

It was stated that no polls predicted such an outcome. It is obvious that for one who has done so much good and who has weathered the storms, physical and economic, to be misinterpreted is wrong. Just as the country was rebounding from the world-wide recession, one would have thought that people could see that there would be rewards ahead from our prudent austerity programmes. We must say thanks for what has been accomplished through the grace of God. May God richly bless our heretofore valiant Prime Minister.



May 23, 2012.


sturrup2 12 years, 3 months ago

Grateful Bahamian; your tearful comments regarding how HAI should be thanked for all the good things he did for PGC, The Bahamas and Bahamians. Well, HAI recieved a goodly sum of money for a job "well done" plus execellent unmatched pension benefits. The man did not do us any favours! Like any other well paid executive knows, yesterdays' performance does not cancel out todays' "mess-ups".

Perhaps you equate the highest electricity rates, the highest unemployment of young and old, the highest home foreclosures, record small business closures, record crime statistics in all areas of criminal activity, a historic national debt and most disgraceful of all, the disrespect shown to the Bahamian electorate in the handling of the BTC fiasco and the total mismanagement of the road improvement project is your idea of "...so much good..."

In my view, Ingrahm messed up big time, and got what any hired hand would have comming to him who demonstrates such a dismal, unproductive work record.

In the words of one Hurbert Alexander Ingrahm, which I agree with whole heartedly "...I should be voted out of office..."

Let's draw the curtain of charity over the rest of HAI's self indictment.

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