High hopes - but doubts over GBPA

EDITOR, The Tribune.

MANY will be pleased that finally there is a sitting chair at GBPA - however, his first moves do not give me too much sense that he knows too much about the past of GBPA.

Some 10 years ago, with a lot of fanfare, GBPA had announced a multi-million investment in warehousing and a massive Regional Distribution Centre... a major China-based distribution company CITIC proposed a massive warehouse facility.

The rumour that there is a proposal for a breakers yard for ships horrifies me as just how can we develop this in a safe environment? Further although this business basically needs a lot of welders with cutting skills the price these workers come at is the key to compete with the yards of India and Bangladesh who pay rock bottom pay.

Anyway, Mr Fair might be the shortest sitting chair of GBPA.

Wanting positive things to happen in GBPA-Freeport but it seems over the past 15 years no one understands the basic thing about Freeport - It is a big secret!



April 4, 2012.


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