PM spouting nonsense on vote

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The chicken has now come home to roost. Prime Minister Perry Christie is spewing all sorts of nonsense about the upcoming referendum on numbers with nothing seen from the consultants his government contracted for advice. According to him, the consultants have presented to him a few pages of recommendations on gambling, and not a formal report. The Bahamian people need to see these pages, and what was paid for these recommendations ahead of the December 3rd referendum.

Both the PLP and the FNM, along with the police, are to blame for allowing these operators to set up these web shops to do illegal business and not intervene as they make millions of dollars tax free. There are much more important items parliament can be debating instead of gambling, but it is obvious the web shops played an important role in the May 7th election results— is it now pay back time? I for one will not waste my time voting on December 3rd, having not seen any information on what I am voting for.



November 8, 2012.


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