BEC party venue

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I was absolutely astonished when I read a story in one of the dailies relating to Bahamas Electricity Corporation choosing a venue owned by the family of its Chairman to hold a Christmas party. What was more astonishing than the story itself is the fact that the Chairman sees nothing wrong with this. He goes on to say: “It’s a non-issue.”

Is the Chairman serious?

Does public perception mean anything to Mr Miller? When people are in positions where the taxpayer’s money is concerned, the very appearance of conflict should be shunned.

What is disturbing to me is the arrogance displayed by Mr Miller when questioned by the media about the situation. Yes you are allowed to patronise black people and institutions in this country, but not when the institution is owned by the Family of the

Chairman of the Corporation that is holding the event.

Mr Miller asserts that he has no interest in the business that the story is referring to, but it is owned by his family. The mere fact that Mr Miller’s family has interest in the establishment in my opinion constitutes conflict of interest. According to Mr Miller, he was not responsible for choosing this venue himself, but the fact of the matter is that he is Chairman and should have corrected it.

If Mr Miller refuses to fix this very wrong situation, the Prime Minister should step in and correct it. In the interest of accountability and transparency, the Bahamian people demand that he does. This kind of reckless behaviour should not be allowed to prevail, lest the warning by former Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham does come to pass.



November, 2012


concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

this is the man who,s son was dealing ripped off coke from his house ,then went parading around the court for justice ,this is the man that brought us sandy shaffier but squels when his a/c units get ripped off ,,he touts for bahamians first as he fronts for any fast buck foriegner ,,he basically saying its alright to rip off the treasury as long as your black ,,brother miller the bay street boys got theirs a long time ago,, your now ripping off all bahamians which 90% are black ,,,,,,,12 people first class to the far east ,,,,same old PLP

concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago


pilgrimagerock 11 years, 9 months ago

Well said. This it what they wanted, a government that has no regards for anyone but themselves.

242 11 years, 9 months ago

Perry ain ga do a ting he's a coward. I could imagine what that final bill ga be

dacy 11 years, 9 months ago

Hahaheee. someone suggest that perry speaks up...ducks would be ice stating in hell first!

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