PM should go back to the Word of God

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The recent comments by our Prime Minister about what he is able to do or not do should put many things into perspective, for those who support him and those who do not. I remember when the comparisons were being made between him and Hubert Ingraham, Mr Christie was the person who was seen as the “more Christian of the two,” he was more “consultative and caring” or he knew what the word of God said. Mr Ingraham, to my recollection, never attempted to go near that line and the campaigns that his party carried out, reflected that. But if we recall what went on for the governing party, such was not the case, especially with Dwight Armbrister on the podium. There was such a religious fervour you felt like it was 1967 all over again. It is clear that the Christian claims of Mr Christie have never been adequately impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ and Mr Christie and many politicians like him “use” whatever is at their disposal to do whatever it is they have to do for themselves and their followers. He should go back to the Word of God and see why Leaders are elected or chosen; the holy writ makes it explicit that they are elected for God’s purposes and God’s purposes alone. And, he may have a double burden since the preamble of our Constitution makes the Bahamas a very peculiar place as far as the Godly behaviour of all of its citizens are concerned.

I am waiting for a response or responses from the wider Christian community, or are we going to show that our only concerns are the issues that touch on cultural morality, as long as the status quo remains intact; one of those “touch not the Lord’s anointed” episodes.



October 9, 2012.


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