Cable bahamas price hike plan sparks anger

BAHAMIANS are already speaking out over the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority’s revelation that Cable Bahamas seeks a near 30 per cent price increase to their basic cable package.

On Tuesday, URCA called on Bahamians to weigh in on the proposed increase with chief executive officer Kathleen Smith stating: “Today, URCA launches a public consultation on Cable Bahamas’ price increase application. URCA has a duty to consult on matters that are of public significance and URCA deems this application for a price increase by Cable Bahamas to be a matter of public significance.”

The proposed price 
increases are from $30 to $38 for residential customers – an $8 or 27 per cent increase, and from $50 to $63.50 for business customers – a $13.50 or 27 per cent increase.

And it appears the public will have a lot to say to URCA on Cable Bahamas’ price increase application at these “consultations.”

One commenter said on The Tribune’s official Facebook page: “Let them try it. I’ll be cancelling my cable today and getting Direct TV ASAP… If they do this they are guaranteed to lose long time customers (such) as myself.”

Another commenter added: “And now the poor will be poorer.”

The outrage continued on The Tribune’s official website with one person stating: “No way should URCA allow the increase. For example if someone (has) basic cable and internet, their bill now is $75.00 (and) add $8.00 on that, (it) is $83.00 per month.”

One Cable Bahamas subscriber, Tatiana Miller, told The Tribune she agreed with URCA’s decision to consult with the public on Cable’s proposal, but also added she does not think the extra $8 is too much, provided Cable explains to customers the reason behind the wanted increase.

“It seems as though everything is going up. BEC, BTC, and it probably wasn’t soon before Cable did the same thing,” she said. “But I’m glad that it’s only $8 and nothing more than that. But before they get this extra $8 from me, I need a real, plausible, reasonable explanation.”

Ashley Burrows, another subscriber, also said an $8 increase isn’t much but noted it could possibly be for other subscribers. She also questioned the effectiveness of URCA’s public forums.

“I don’t think it’s too much, but this extra they have to pay might be too much for the average Bahamian. We’re in a recession,” she said, before adding: “It’s good that (URCA) is giving the public a chance to respond but I don’t know if they will actually take (the public’s opinion) into consideration.”

According to URCA, Cable Bahamas requested a price increase because programming costs have “increased significantly” over the years with huge increases being experienced in more recent years. Cable has maintained the same $30 charge for basic cable services since they opened in 1995.

URCA also challenged Cable Bahamas’s compliance with regulatory standards which they say require Cable to provide “affordable basic television services” to the country.

They said Cable Bahamas has no lower-priced package available to existing or potential customers who cannot afford an $8 increase in their basic cable subscription.

The beginning of the “public consultations” on Cable Bahamas’ proposed price increase began Tuesday and will end next month on October 19 at 5pm.

URCA will withhold any decisions on the application until the completion of the consultation process – which will consist of a series of town meetings throughout the country.

The first meeting will take place next Tuesday, September 11, at 6.30pm at the Holy Cross Anglican Church Hall on Soldier Road.


moncurcool 12 years, 6 months ago

When Cable Bahamas was transitioning to digital, there were days on end when you came home to no cable, or a plethora of stations were out. They had an administrator who came on the news stations and lied saying that they understand the inconvenience and as soon as they are finished they transition, they would provide a credit to all accounts. HAS ANYONE SEEN ANY CREDIT ON THEIR ACCOUNTS TO DATE?

How is it that a basic package that is basically garbage with the channels that they have (Spanish and french stations in a english speaking country) can even request an increase in price when they have not done anything to make the channels offered in the basic package any better. THIS REQUEST NEEDS TO BE DENIED UNTIL THEY GIVE PEOPLE THE CREDIT THEY PROMISED AND THEY IMPROVE THE CHANNEL OFFERINGS IN THE BASIC PACKAGE.

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