Man shot in groin by 'rival'


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 29-year-old man is fighting for his life in hospital today after being shot multiple times in the groin by a “love rival,” The Tribune has learned.

According to police, the victim was standing in front of his residence at Augusta Street around 9.50am on Sunday when he was approached by a man he knows who was in a White Honda Civic.

The suspect shot the victim five times in the groin and once in the upper right thigh before escaping east on Poinciana Drive.

He was taken to hospital by ambulance where he is listed in critical condition.

Police say they have no motive for the crime, however, sources say the two men were arguing over a woman.

Last month, police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said arguments over women are a significant factor in the country’s steadily climbing murder rate.

“Many of the murders that we recorded to date are as a result of arguments. I am ashamed to tell you, arguments over women – females, where young men are feuding over females,” he said.

“Family members are aware of it and they try their best to make the intervention and there’s this pinch-point and men who are best friends argue to the extent that at some point, a gunshot rings out and one falls dead because of jealousy or some jealous rage between two healthy bodied young men who are obviously miscommunicating and are totally confused.”

“As I look at the details around many of these murders,” said Mr Greenslade, “I did not want to believe it, because there’s always the tendency to point to drugs – and, yes, drugs is causing a lot of our problems, but a lot of our problems with our young people stem from these relationships that do not work right. And they’re not even marriage relationships. They are just relationships that don’t seem to go right. It’s a huge problem and we are going to have to do a lot of work around it.”

In other crime news, police removed ammunition and a firearm off the streets of the capital.

According to police, around 12.45pm on Saturday, officers of the RBPF Selective Enforcement Team, acting on information, conducted a search of an abandoned building on Butler’s Alley off Wulff Road, where they uncovered a quantity of ammunition.

A few hours later, around 2am the officers responded to shots fired in the Culmersville area. When they arrived on the scene, the officers saw a suspicious male standing in front of a vehicle.

Police say the suspect ran when he saw the officers. He eluded capture but officers conducted a search of the parked vehicle and uncovered a handgun with a quantity of ammunition.

An intense investigation is being conducted to locate the suspect in this matter.

Active investigations continue.


nationbuilder 12 years, 6 months ago

Wow, a man aims for another man's groin in a "love rival" attack? Odd, usually a woman might aim for the groin of her cheating man, for obvious reasons. A man will just shoot you and be done with it. And 5 times too? Dang.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 6 months ago

that showed him who is more man ,lol ,my goodness we are going backwards ,,a good number of our mens total worth is in there pants ,,he showed him whos got the bigger appendange ..now he gets to go to prison and 3 to 4 other guys can have sex with "his" women for light bill and hair weave money ..

Shirley 12 years, 6 months ago

This madness has got to stop. Men need to learn how to recognize a worthless, triflin' woman and know when to walk away. Guys, you must practice thinking with your other head.

really 12 years, 6 months ago

whoa he make sure that nigga dont ever umm have intercourse with his gal again..he was tryna prove a point obviously.....who knows that gal might have tell her bf the bey rape her and thats y he do it id love to hear the full story on this one

concernedcitizen 12 years, 6 months ago

his gal is going to have lots of new friends while he is in fox hill..i don,t understand these idiots ,with our not so subtle form of prostitution , these guys Know they don,t get lovin unless they pay ,,hair weave ,light bill etc ..so what do these morons think ,the gal don,t sell that lovin to anyone ,,she only got one product in the shop and plenty buyers ..IDIOTS

really 12 years, 6 months ago

from the beginning of time people been trying to differentiate relationships from exchange but it wont ever happen providing is a man role n a woman would only be a fool to put out and dont get nothing in return even married people exhanging and these so called independent woman who married does get leave high and dry bitter and crying more than the dependent ones so..........thats the way it will always be ...only a lousy man dont play his role OR A BROKE ONE WHO CANT AFFORD TO and men love women to depend on them anyway they be ego trippin ..anyone would try to get away with whatever they can but yal men cant fool no one i know better that make dem feel like a man in charge ya see they all willing participants so it is

concernedcitizen 12 years, 6 months ago

yeah thats the way it is ,so if you buyin it ,other dudes could buy it too,why go to fox hill for product you don,t own only rent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

really 12 years, 6 months ago

lol rent= relationship buy= marriage i agree u wan sumtin to yourself you better pay the price u cant rent an apartment n act like u own it lol

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