Dr. Minnis urged to stay the course

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I had the opportunity yesterday to listen to a local radio talk show and was pleasantly surprised to hear the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Hubert Minnis talking about his vision for the country. I have to admit that I have never heard so much truth coming from the lips of a politician. When he expressed his concern that successive governments do nothing but try to compete with each other instead of working for the good of the people, I wanted to shout Hallelujah!

The FNM built three schools so the PLP must build four. The PLP passed three laws, so the FNM must pass four! What about what the country NEEDS? When is it ever going to be about US and not about them?

I like Dr Minnis’ forward thinking of putting together a 20 year plan that the entire country can buy into so that successive governments can carry out the mandate of the people and not try to satisfy themselves along with cherry picked individuals. I also appreciate his willingness to listen to the advice of not just lawyers and doctors, and other professionals but also non-professionals who also have something to offer! Now that’s what I call believing in Bahamians!

I have spent a lot of time analysing Dr Minnis and I believe we have a blend of temperaments that make a near perfect leader. He is aggressive enough to have a very strong drive for success, but calm and humble enough to be a good listener. He is a rational thinker and a keen observer. Someone who can absorb what is going on around him, what is being said to him and then come up with the best solution. Do not under estimate his strengths!

I sincerely believe that Dr Minnis will be the next Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and I also believe that he will revolutionise the concept of governance as we now know it.

To Dr Minnis I say, stand firm! Stay the course! Come hell or high water, do not be deterred! Acknowledge God and let him be your guide.



April 3, 2013.


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