Education is wealth

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I noticed an advertisement on the TV where The Quatar Government stated “Education is Wealth”.

Where does the Bahamian Government stand on this issue? It seems instead of encouraging education and allowing the natural progression of Bahamians entering the business world and by their education and ability climbing the ladder of success, the Government prefers to ignore education and kill investment by refusing work permits for foreigners.

The foreigners could perhaps increase the number of Bahamians who might have a chance to succeed.



April 15, 2013.


Davemilco65 11 years, 3 months ago

There is more to education than learning the three R's - reading, writing, arithmetic and http://www.customwritings.ws/custom-ess…">essay online writing. Yet there are countries which cannot provide adequate education for their youth or, if it is provided, is of poor quality.

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