Power project pledges 25% water cost slash


Tribune Business Editor


Bahamian water bills could be slashed by 25 per cent through the cheaper electricity costs proposed by a $700 million power plant project.

Taylor Cheek, the Caribbean Power Partners’ consortium’s principal, told Tribune Business this would result from the group’s proposed 300 Mega Watt (MW) power plant cutting New Providence energy costs by up to 60 per cent.

“Given that 50-65 per cent of water costs are energy, and that we’re going to cut the cost of energy in half, if the maths is right we will knock 25 per cent off everyone’s water bill,” Mr Cheek told Tribune Business.

Caribbean Power Partners expanded further on this added benefit in its project proposal, which said it would generate both direct and indirect savings for the Water & Sewerage Corporation.

These, it added, would result from reduced energy costs at BISX-listed Consolidated Water’s two reverse osmosis plants, Windsor and Blue Hills.

The consortium, which features global energy services giants, Fluor Corporation and ProEnergy Services, promises that the cheaper energy generated by its plants will “eliminate the need to reimburse Consolidated Water for costs associated with direct diesel purchases and subsequent mark-ups” related to the BISX-listed company’s energy charges.

The Caribbean Power Partners proposal said the Water & Sewerage Corporation had pegged these costs at $9.75 million per annum.

It added that their project would also reduce the Water & Sewerage Corporation’s direct water pumping and sewerage costs, plus energy costs throughout its operations.

“We understand that energy costs directly and indirectly related to the production of reverse osmosis water on the island of New Providence are approximately 45 per cent to 65 per cent [of total costs], depending on the cost of fuel, and that the business relationship between Consolidated Water and the Water & Sewerage Corporation requires the Water & Sewerage Corporation to pay a full reimbursement for fuel oil and BEC charges to Consolidated Water,” the Caribbean Power Partners proposal stated.

It added that the energy cost reduction offered by its power plant would create “significant savings” for the Water & Sewerage Corporation and its New Providence customers

Meanwhile, Mr Cheek told Tribune Business that renewable energies would be unable to meet 100 per cent of the power needs in the Bahamas’ main population centres - New Providence, Grand Bahama and, perhaps, Abaco.

Noting that utility-scale renewable energy costs were sometimes three-four times’ higher than their fossil fuel rivals, Mr Cheek said such plants were not economically feasible on New Providence.

Acknowledging that renewable energy sources “had their place”, he added that fossil fuel power plants would still have to be kept as a back-up should there not be enough sun to fuel utility-scale solar, for example.

“Utility-scale renewable generation is extremely expensive,” Mr Cheek told Tribune Business. “You have to back that generation up with fossil fuel-fired generation.

“You are already paying for that capacity, and if you look at the economics it’s much less expensive than the renewables side, sometimes as much as three-four times. Economically, it doesn’t make sense.

“Renewables have their place, but they don’t solve your core power needs. Let’s resolve your core power needs, and renewables can be worked in.”

Mr Cheek said renewable energies were better-suited to the Family Islands, where smaller population sizes and energy demand gave them attractive economies of scale.

“If you put solar on Harbour Island, Eleuthera, it makes a lot of sense as you can’t get economies of scale for power plant efficiencies, as they’re too small,” he told Tribune Business.

“We do have a component to our proposal that provides wind generation on the Family Islands that are suitable for it. Technically, we can do it. Commercially, I don’t know if we can.”

Mr Cheek said it would also likely be too expensive, and difficult, to supply Family Islands with energy via undersea cables that linked them to generating plants on New Providence.

He added, though, that if Caribbean Power Partners took over New Providence’s generation needs, this would free-up BEC to deploy capital previously earmarked for this and associated maintenance in the Family Islands.

Caribbean Power Partners believes its proposal is structured so that BEC, the Government and Bahamian consumers gain the benefits of privatising power generation without actually ‘selling off’ the Corporation or its assets.

This would avoid any of the political and nationalistic opposition that arose to the Bahamas Telecommunications Company’s (BTC) privatisation, and sale of a majority stake to Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC).

Describing its proposal as a public-private partnership (PPP), Caribbean Power Partners said: “We believe that BEC is a prized Bahamian asset that is better suited for a properly structured PPP rather than an outright sale or takeover that takes it permanently, or even temporarily, out of the hands of Bahamians.”

The urgent need for action over the Bahamas’ relatively high energy costs, and poor power reliability, was underscored by an economic impact analysis conducted for Caribbean Power Partners by Oxford Economics.

It pegged total spending on energy/power needs as accounting for about 10 per cent, or $800 million, of annual Bahamian economic activity.

“The high costs are likely placing a heavy burden on businesses,” the Oxford Economics report said. “The higher costs are likely discouraging business investment and costing the Bahamas market share of international tourists that visit competing destinations offering lower costs.

“The significant amount of purchasing power going to electricity also siphons off domestic consumer spending in other areas, and restrains business investment.”

The Oxford Economics report described the Bahamas as having “some of the highest rates for electricity in the region”, with existing BEC generation plants outdated and with limited funds for maintenance.


Reality_Check 11 years, 1 month ago

Consolidated Water should be paid for water production on the basis of water that ultimately flows out of the tap as this is the only water that can be metered and tied to the revenue of Water & Sewerage Corp. Paying Consolidated Water millions of dollars for millions of gallons of water that simply seeps into the ground and is lost forever is the height of pissing away money we don't have as a country. Our governments (both PLP and FNM alike) have tolerated this massive squandering of funds that manifests itself in the losses of Water & Sewerage Corp borne by Bahamian taxpayers for many years now. If Consolidated Water is unwilling or unable to help us fix our very leaky water distribution system, then we need to sign an appropriate contract with a water producer who is willing and able to do so.

The same should also apply to all of the proposals thus far put to Government by greedy investors looking to build an electrical generating plant to supply BEC with electricity. The investors behind each of the proposals received to date would love a "sweet profiteering" arrangement that leaves BEC and Bahamian taxpayers on the hook for the high cost of the country's electrical distribution system (covering many islands), BEC's unfunded pension liabilities, etc. etc. The eventual outcome of putting only the electrical generating plants in the hands of these investors, with a "sweet deal" contract on the back of an already financially troubled BEC, is all too obvious: BEC would soon go belly-up leaving Bahamian taxpayers saddled with funding its unsettled liabilities, and the less costly parts of its electrical distribution system would be picked up at a fire sale price by the private plant owners.

The arrangement between Water & Sewerage Corp and Consolidated Water is a classic example of why these types of deals fail.

loopkelly 9 years, 4 months ago

Maybe the homeowners will have something to gain from these changes as well. It will be great if the electricity bills will be reduced. Some people already renovated their home to make it more eco-friendly, using the best construction materials and tools, like the ones from http://www.1sourcetools.com/">http://www.1sourcetools.com/ and the best materials that can transform the natural resources, for instance, the sun energy, into electricity.

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