Paige gets ready to follow in family's footsteps


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE granddaughter of Bahamian supermarket mogul Rupert Roberts is among the next generation of entrepreneurs getting set to transform business as we know it in the country.


Paige Waugh

Having less than two months ago completed a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA), Paige Ann Waugh, 23, said she has plans to continue her grandfather’s legacy in the family business at Super Value Food Stores in Nassau.

At the moment, she anticipates working in the supermarket industry at Tampa, Florida. With that experience, Paige intends to become someone of influence once she returns home.

“That’s why I want to get the experience,” she said, “because it’s a big business and I know I want to come home and be involved with the family business in whichever way I can.

“My grandfather has been a great motivator and has encouraged me to further my education. He is really pushing me to get the experience while I can.

“But regardless of anything that happens, I am going to have some part in the family business.”

However, getting to this point of her life has come with some challenges. Paige said obtaining her MBA at the University of Tampa (UT) in a year and a half was a major feat. Prior to that she completed a Bachelor’s programme in Business Management with a minor in Exercise Science at UT. She was graduated with Honours, Magna Cum Laude.

“It was challenging because I did it in a shorter time than most people do which is two years. I did three MBA classes per semester. It was hard managing that and my time all at once. There were also a lot of group assignments, projects and volunteering.”

As a hobby, Paige enjoys coaching children’s swimming classes. She is the daughter of Jeffrey and Judy Waugh.


TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

The smile on Comrade Grandpa Rupert says how rightly proud he is of his granddaughter Paige's accomplishments. Something tells me this family knows what the true purpose of Proverbs 21:15 is all about to us older Comrades. To pass on to our grand's, wisdom and discipline learned through "walking our talk" over a lifetime. Something no millions of inheritance will ever be enough to buy.

"Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." - Proverbs 21:15 -


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