Organisations partner in growing alliance

The Save The Bays organisation believes it is moving towards the creation of a national environmental alliance, after gaining another partner in its fight to protect the Bahamas’ marine environment.

The Bimini Blue Coalition, formed in January 2013 to lead the fight for the protection of that island’s reefs, beaches and waters, is partnering with Save The Bays to ramp up its community outreach as the organisations pursue similar goals.

“We are thrilled and honoured to partner with the Save The Bays team, and together we hope to protect and promote the famous reefs, beaches and waters around our precious little ‘Islands in the Stream’,” said the Coalition, which has already garnered more than 1,500 signatures to stop construction of a cruise ship terminal.

“Over the long term, the goals of the Bimini Blue Coalition for Bimini essentially echo the goals of the Save The Bays team throughout the Bahamas. We’re trying to promote sensible, sustainable use of our island’s natural resources.”

Fred Smith QC, a director of Save The Bays, believes the collaboration will prove fruitful, with both organisations demonstrating passion in pushing for the preservation of marine resources.

“As Save The Bays continues to grow as an organisation and expand its mission to protect waters throughout the Bahamas, it is essential that we form strategic partnerships capable of extending our reach into already existing communities of active conservationists,” said Mr Smith.

“We were happy to partner with Bimini Blue Coalition given the level of dedication they have demonstrated in promoting the cause to protect Bimini’s natural habitat. The symbiotic relationship that we have formed will definitely bolster our intertwined objectives.”

Mr Smith said Save The Bays, established in March 2013 and forming partnerships with speed, appears to be giving rise to a National Environmental Alliance.

“This is exciting and bodes well for our treasured environment,” he said.

The Bimini Blue Coalition is made up of Bimini residents, homeowners, community leaders and visitors working together to “keep Bimini’s waters the bluest in the Bahamas.”

Its mission involves the promotion and creation of a sustainable future for the islands of Bimini, including the development of an ecologically-responsible tourism industry.

Most recently, Bimini Blue Coalition’s efforts have focused on a petition drive that has garnered over 1,500 signatures in just over two weeks to stop the creation of a cruise ship terminal on North Bimini.

The terminal is part of a $100 million investment by the Malaysia-based Genting conglomerate. Genting was recently denied permission to tear down the waterfront Miami Herald building in Miami to build a mega resort and casino.

It has now turned its attention to Bimini just off the Miami coast, where it opened a casino on June 28 and plans to complete construction of the 1,000 foot cruise ship dock and dredge to create a man-made island. While the cruise ship terminal is estimated to attract up to 3,000 visitors a day to the shores of North Bimini, petition signers say it will destroy what has been called “a massive concentration of precious coral reefs”, permanently changing the island’s most important asset - its waters.

“This is completely disproportionate,” said Mr Smith. “Once again, as with Baker’s Bay in Guana Cay, our government is sacrificing our marine environment on the altar of the almighty dollar.”

The partnership between the organizations is initially aimed at addressing two key issues facing the islands of Bimini - the proposed cruise ship terminal that would heavily impact the reefs, and establishing final and full implementation of the North Bimini Marine Reserve.


BiminiHomeowner 11 years, 3 months ago

Fantastic! Genting needs to realize that there are other sensible, and cost-saving options available to them. Bimini Bay has been at odds with this community for years, Genting should take charge and reverse that with sensible, respectful proposals.

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