‘I slapped Rollins after lewd remark’


Tribune cartoonist Jamaal Rolle's take on yesterday's incident.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM DEPUTY leader Loretta Butler-Turner said she has no regrets after slapping PLP MP Dr Andre Rollins in the House of Assembly yesterday. 

Insisting that she does not condone any type of physical assault, Mrs Butler-Turner said she felt compelled to physically defend herself because Mr Rollins did not respond to verbal requests to remove his arm from around her.

“The purpose for his arm around me,” she said, “was not an embrace, it was a dominating hold for me to hear what he had to say. I could not remove him so I had to slap him.

“How can I regret trying to protect myself? I ignored that man for a very long time and I will continue to ignore him. I don’t think I should stand for that but I don’t look to do anything like that again.

“He whispered to me lewd, obscene and inappropriate remarks. I repeatedly asked him to remove his arm.  He refused to do so.”

The Tribune understands that Mrs Butler-Turner and FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis met with House Speaker Dr Kendal Major to address the matter. Up to press time, no formal complaints on the part of either Mr Rollins or Mrs Butler-Turner had been lodged with authorities.

Speaking with The Tribune following the incident Dr Rollins maintained that he did not  make any “inappropriate comments” to the FNM deputy leader.

“I told her it was in poor taste what she had done (accusing Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin for being responsible for the deaths of two children at the Willamae Pratt Centre).

“I told her it was in poor taste and that she needs to seek help. In fact I said she needs to seek psychiatric evaluation. Because the kind of slanderous things she says about people, any sane person in good conscience would not say. She said to me some things that were very nasty that I won’t repeat so I put my arm around her and said ‘you really need help’ and she slapped me.

“I kept my composure because I definitely do not believe in hitting women and I never have. She acted in a fashion that is consistent with her belligerent nature so I wasn’t surprised. I did not show any anger towards her and there was no suggestion on my part that I was going to physically harm her.

“I had my arm around her so I don’t know if she took offence to that. I have not lodged any formal complaint. I am not interested in causing any further embarrassment to her. But since she raised this in the press I don’t want her to suggest that I was showing any aggression to her. She is trying to put her PR spin on it but there is no way for anyone to corroborate what she did I am certain she regrets it. For my position I hope all men will handle it the way I did by walking away. I do not believe that men should be violent towards women and that is one good thing we can take away from this is that lesson.

The perception is that I may have said something about her person. At no point did I do that.

The altercation followed a heated Parliamentary sitting when MP V Alfred Gray had accused Mrs Butler-Turner of being “embarrassed” because Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin had been forced to make a number of upgrades to the Simpson Penn Centre for Boys – the centre had previously been Mrs Butler-Turner’s responsibility. Mrs Butler-Turner further questioned the number of suicides at the facility since the PLP took office.

At that point the FNM Deputy could be heard suggesting to Dr Rollins that the PLP would not be running him as a candidate in 2017. She alleged particular reasons why. Dr Rollins is the PLP candidate for Fort Charlotte.


jcmorgan 11 years, 7 months ago

there are some persons out there ,with their babiesh face, and great smile,but they are wolfs in sheep clothing,they can come to a person tell them anything,that only the two of them can hear,they smile and then probally try to hug the person,so persons around can think that they are enjoying each other company.but men especially have to be careful not to put their hands on a lady because of sexual harrashment,and if she cries out you could be in lot of trouble.,i think mrs turner did not like what mr rollins was telling her, and he got slap.

ohdrap4 11 years, 7 months ago

he seems like a brat.

His angelical face can be quite convincing when apologizing.

Interesting 11 years, 7 months ago

I commend Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner for her actions. I would be greatly disappointed in her if she failed to slap him on behalf of all women. “No” means “No”. This is the very reason why this is one of the most under-reported offenses that few want to discuss openly because it does happen often on the job.

No matter what men folk say of how the MP should have handled it, it is still “sexual harassment” in the work place. This causes a hostile and uncomfortable work environment. The Fort Charlotte MP was warned and he continued. Most men who behave in this manner actually act as if they are doing someone a favor and how dare one not appreciate what they think is a flattering form of attention.

Unwanted touching is violating one’s personal space and the person doing the touching needs to be called out for it. Why should this be dealt with in privacy so this person who feels so entitled can move along to make another person the target.

Unacceptable behavior that must be addressed immediately includes physical threats, abusive language, offensive jokes, put-downs and intimidation tactics. Many times the offender takes advantage of committing these offenses in isolation. But there are those who are bold and have the nerve to do this in public with an arm around you and whispering in your ear.

This should not be tolerated and this is the perfect forum to suspend or terminate the offender. This would be the perfect example for others to see how the work environment protects the workers of the government and all its people.

thomas 11 years, 7 months ago

I totally agree with you. It would have been good to show young girls that their voice has meaning and young men the consequences of their actions.

Bahamainnc 11 years, 6 months ago

Seems like she could have taught restraint instead of fighting. Too many videos out there showing Bahamian girls already know how to lay their hand on someone else. Look at this example from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-1Mf0Zs… .
If you think it is sexual harassment and a slap is the right way to deal with it, that should go both ways then.

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