Alarm after false report of school shooting


Tribune Staff Reporter


FALSE reports of a shooting at a private primary school caused mass panic among parents yesterday.

Lisa Sawyer-McCartney, director of the Meridian School, expressed her disappointment after the statement was made during Real Talk Live on the More94 radio station.

Although the station manager confirmed that host Ortland Bodie Jr retracted his comments minutes later, Mrs Sawyer-McCartney told The Tribune that the report caused unnecessary terror.

“Parents pulled up here absolutely livid, absolutely terrified, tears in their eyes because of a silly rumour,” she said.

“The report was completely and utterly false and the incident that occurred here was that a car was broken into and that was the extent of that incident.

“I am so deeply offended by that comment, its absolutely unnecessary and just irresponsible,” she added. “In this country, we need to be accountable, and accept responsibility for the things that we say, particularly in the press.”

DNA Leader Branville McCartney, who was also present at his wife’s school, said it was unfortunate that parents had to endure stress over their children’s safety. He maintained that students were unaware of the drama that unfolded yesterday. 

“It was completely untrue, and you can just imagine the stress of the parents of the children. The children don’t even know what’s going on out here. It was not even at the school, it was some ways down where some cars were parked.”

Mrs Sawyer-McCartney said the area routinely falls victim to car break-ins every three months, and that the incident was unfortunate, but mundane.

She added: “I’m very disappointed at the level of disrespect of a comment like that to be aired on national radio, that is highly irresponsible.”


jackbnimble 11 years, 2 months ago

When are they going to take this idiot off the air! Every other week it's something. Most unprofessional and notorious for being so!!

lazybor 11 years, 2 months ago

unfortunate but mundane???? a car breaking into a school????http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

His Eminence Comrade "Talkie" Ortland Jr really cemented that he is indeed a false prophet. He lucky Bran only cuss he backside out.

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