Tribune Staff Reporter
POLICE are asking for your help in locating five men, four of whom are siblings, in connection with the country’s latest murders.
Police are looking for Duran Neely, Hans Neely, Aaron Neely, Kenneth Neilly and Dior Johnson. They believe these men are connected to at least two of the four murders that happened over the weekend.
Assistant Police Commissioner Anthony Ferguson said the police have “several men” in custody in connection those homicides, however he said police need the public’s help in locating four men who he described as “major suspects”.
All of the men are also said to be “very well known to police”.
ACP Ferguson declined to say how the men were related but The Tribune understands three of them are brothers, one is a cousin and the other is a neighbour. All of the men live in Pinewood Gardens.
When asked if police planned to increase patrols in Pinewood Gardens and Nassau Village, ACP Ferguson said “we would like to, but we have to work with what we can”.
“We have New Providence, which is 21 by 7. It is unfair for all of your resources and law enforcement officers to be placed in one area and leave the other areas, that’s not good strategy. So we have to bring good balance to it, you are talking about a 24-hour period we have to use the resources we have,” he said.
“But the public can help in this fight. The public is the police and the police is the public. You have an obligation to pick up the phone and let us know what is going on. The only way to rid this country of criminals is to be brave and come forward. We are always concerned when you have persons who tend to take the laws in your own hands. My advice to people is if someone offends you the proper things to do is make a report to police and allow the police to conduct an investigation and we believe that once the process is done properly we will have an orderly society.”
ACP Ferguson also denied that the police force has lost the fight against crime.
Simeon Hall, former pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church has partnered with police in the fight against crime, he urged the parents of the wanted men to turn their sons in.
“I want to make an appeal to parents, in particular to parents and siblings of these criminals, it is better for you to turn your sons, your brother, your sister in, than for gang members to take them out. That’s how bad this thing is now. Parents, if you know your son is involved in criminal activity, if you know your brother your sister is trading in drugs and guns, it is best for you to try and get that person to come in and if you don’t want to do it by yourself, do it through your pastor, but we must not wait until the death of your siblings or sons, to cry ‘my good son’, you should do that before. Parents do your part. Do not sit down and benefit from crime and then come to the church and the Red Cross and every other cross for help burying them,” he said.
positiveinput 11 years, 4 months ago
In the first two sentences it states that the men are BELIEVED to be connected, yet in the last paragraph a statement is made 'in particular to parents and siblings of these criminals'. Wtf, its innocent until proven guilty. Recently I found myself with a bullsh!t charge having to waste my time around the court. This country's police force is slowly being flushed down the toilet which in return has crime out of hand. No one respects the law because the law doesn't respects itself. Being around the courts, rules are in placed that shirts must be tucked in trousers, however simple as that plain clothes officers do not abide by such a simple rule. Now that society has turn this little island into the wild wild west as a result of watching the example of our very own R.B.P.F. bad apples, persons want to cry out now. lol this is suppose to be a Christian nation, however one must wonder which god many are serving.
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