Tribune Staff Reporter
INFLUENTIAL religious leader Bishop Neil Ellis yesterday broke the silence over what led to his resignation from Full Gospel International which has resulted in the formation of a new fellowship of churches.
Bishop Ellis more than a month ago formally submitted a letter to the current presiding leader of Full Gospel International Paul Morton, stating that immediately Mount Tabor Church and his post on the Bishop’s Council would be withdrawn.
In an outpouring of support, every Full Gospel affiliated church in the Bahamas also pulled out from the fellowship.
Not long after 60 church pastors, locally and from the US and Turks and Caicos Islands held a two-day meeting forming the Global United Fellowship (GUF). Bishop Ellis will lead the body which has to date a membership of 80 churches from the Bahamas and around the world.
“There is no way three months ago,” said Bishop Ellis, “that you could have told me I would have not been announced as the successor to Bishop (Paul) Morton for 2015. I have come to accept that it was not God’s will.
“I think one of the struggles that some of the members in Full Gospel were having is this whole idea of a non-American serving as the leader. I think that was the genesis of the struggle.
“That was talked all across the convention and it was talked months and months prior to the election. So I was approached and others around the table were approached as it became a common thing.
“We ended that season without animosity among the leadership of Full Gospel. As a matter of fact, up to the formation of Global United I have had wonderful discussions with the leader of Full Gospel who gave me a bit of advice how to proceed.”
He was speaking at a press conference, which also announced that “Full Gospel Baptist” will be removed from Mount Tabor’s title.
“I want to make it unequivocally clear that Global United Fellowship is not another denomination. Our intent is to be inclusive and not divisive.
“GUF is an international, interdenominational body of spiritual leaders, fellowships and congregations united to strategically plan, implement and execute transformative and generational change as well as expand the Kingdom of God to all nations of the world.”
Ellis said GUF has five mandates that include uniting and equipping the body of Christ, enhancing marriages with clergy men, resurrecting prayer and building genuine fellowship.
On November 6, a service episcopal institution and inauguration will be held where Ellis is to be inducted as the presiding Bishop of Global.
More than 200 delegates from the six different countries will visit the Bahamas for the event to be held at the Atlantis resort.
shortpants 11 years, 5 months ago
Bishop Ellis it is people like you that makes this world of churches confused .Power is like a bitch.... And that is what you are searching for .(POWER)Your followers are a bunch of weak links in your chain.A chain is only strong as the weakest link.You are a greedy pastor looking for FAME .Nobody should be serving you but the one and only Heavenly Father.You are a failure to church and man.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
And why should we begrudge them their decision/preference to have an American leading the American conference? Haven't we said as much in our country? If there is a Bahamian who can do the job, we chose the Bahamian....
briwest1773 11 years, 5 months ago
There shold be no loyalty to country in God's kingdom...we should all be one.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
Sigh I said nothing about God. I'm talking about Bahamians taking offence that the Americans favour an American in charge of an American institution.
john33xyz 11 years, 5 months ago
Then WHY are there Bahamian flags on almost all of the stages in churches?
jlcandu 11 years, 5 months ago
Most churches these days are big business and big money. Now if all the church leaders want to jump on the bandwagon to make Rev. Ellis richer, they are making the decision with their eyes wide open. It's up to the members if they will still blindly follow their pastor (and make him richer in the process).
whit4120 11 years, 5 months ago
Imagine all the these local churches' membership fees paid to the full Gospel organization being pocketed by Mr. Ellis! Wow! To think that his reason for leaving was because he didn't get the leadership position! what mighty balls!! I wonder what time he has to dedicate to being a shepard his flock!!!
banker 11 years, 5 months ago
Members of his church deserve to be robbed by him. It's funny, I don't recall ever in the Bible of Jesus taking up a collection. It was the opposite. He fed the crowds with loaves and fishes, turned water into wine and spread the largess to poor and the hungry. He never had a fancy chariot, but rode a humble donkey and he was inclusive of everyone. As for "Bishop" Ellis, check out his wrist watch in the picture. It could feed a family of 5 for 6 months.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
Yeah it's really troubling to me how these Guys live like kings and are hero worshipped by people who can't put groceries on their table or afford to pay their light bill. Their argument is that God increases them so they can help others...well??? Why does there always seem to be more increasing in than help going out?
I agree with your statement, Jesus roughed it just like his followers, he didn't make his primary objective storing up wealth under the guise of helping others
TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago
Comrade you might call yourself a banker but on this one you are mistaken. During the times of Jesus, He had himself said that; He saw collection plates being passed around, for what Jesus had called the giving of gifts to the "Temple's Treasury." Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put in the collection plate more than all the others, cause the rich gave out of their wealth, but this poor widow put all she had to live on" Comrade Banker the truth is that a great number the Preacherman's in our tiny Bahamaland, wear simple robes to proclaim the gospel of Christ, not designer robes.
john33xyz 11 years, 5 months ago
Ellis said GUF has five mandates that include: 1. uniting and equipping the body of Christ, 2. enhancing marriages with clergy men, 3. resurrecting prayer 4. building genuine fellowship.
Why didn't he list number 5 ? Could it be that he is embarrassed to say what it is? Could it be ...
4renbahamian 11 years, 5 months ago
The lord himself will have to come and say Ellis is the one. To materialistic to be a servan.
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