Staff changes at ZNS

THE board of directors of the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas has announced several managerial staff appointments at ZNS’ Northern Service made necessary by the imminent retirement of veteran broadcaster Byron Stubbs.

Mr Stubbs, who headed ZNS’ Northern Service operation since September 2007, has reached the normal retirement age after 34 years of service. He will start three months of pre-retirement leave this month.

Another experienced ZNS broadcaster, Stanley Pinder, director of radio, has been appointed to replace Mr Stubbs as deputy general manager of ZNS Northern Service with effect from April 22. Mr Pinder will be assisted by Mr Darren Meadows, who will be promoted from deputy director to the post of director with responsibility for television technical production.

The corporation has commended Mr Stubbs for his many years of unblemished service to broadcasting and to ZNS in particular as an outstanding radio announcer.

In congratulating both Mr Pinder and Mr Meadows on their respective promotions, executive chairman Rev Dr William Thompson noted that “the board and management are confident that together they will lead the ZNS charge in the northern Bahamas and we look forward to the continued success as the economy begins to expand”.

Mr Pinder previously served in various capacities at the corporation, including engineering, television production, news and more recently as director of radio. Mr Pinder holds AA degrees in electronics and radio communications and journalism and mass communication from the College of the Bahamas. He also holds a number of professional broadcast certifications.


sheeprunner12 10 years, 11 months ago

ZNS needs more than management shuffle................. this HD system is a disaster

The screens are fuzzzy and streaky and the audio is broken and muffled........... sounds like fish frying from a distance.............. it makes Darold Miller look like a voodoo priest

This is as bad as it can get................. far worse than when Tommy made the HD change

Maybe the new chairman got rid of all of Tommy's techies and put PLP UR2.0s there

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