Christian president speaks out over porn industry

Rev Ranford Patterson

Rev Ranford Patterson


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Christian Council President Rev Ranford Patterson yesterday accused Bahamians of being “too passive” upon learning of the establishment of a local porn industry.

Rev Patterson said the council would continue to advocate against anything that will have a negative impact on the family or individual Bahamian, and emphasised that the council has the same influence, and relevance, as it did during the country’s formative years.

Rev Patterson said: “Bahamian people must get to the point where we take a stand as a people and say this is not what we want, and because it’s not what we want we will do everything in our power to stop it. Until we get to that point as a people, anything that happens anywhere in the world will continue to happen in The Bahamas.

“We are too passive as a people, we must take a stand. There must be some things that we are not for, and not prepared to support, and if we’re not prepared to support it we should say it. Let those who are in authority know of our position.”

Concerns were raised this week when ZNS announced that it would air a special report on porn in the Bahamas next week.

Yesterday, Rev Patterson said he was unaware that there was a local industry.

He lamented that media coverage would only drive more people to view pornographic content out of curiosity.

“I haven’t seen it,” said Rev Patterson, “this is the first time I’ve heard of it. The only thing we can continue to do is teach our people that some things are not good for us as a country. If the regulators are not prepared to take a stand and stop some things, it’s not very much that we can do and we have been agitating on our part to minimise or alleviate the porn thing on the cable.

“We got push back from everywhere, people are saying why are we doing it, what is the purpose of doing it?”

Two years ago the council issued recommendations to the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) on the draft Code of Practice for Content Regulation that called for a ban on pornographic movies from Cable Bahamas’ channel programming.

Findings came from viewing the titles and explicit content on a senior citizen’s basic cable package, according to the council, adding that the nation’s decency and standards will erode over time due to the showing of such TV shows.

Other recommendations made by the council included a revisit of the down time on television when explicit content may be shown.

The council has often taken an unpopular stance on many issues; however, Rev Patterson said the religious body’s relevance was based on their actions and not results.

He said: “We’ve always been the way we are, we deal with issues that we believe affect our people socially in this country. Whether they accept what we say or not, we have always dealt with them – with the gambling for example, we dealt with it. Whether the government follows through on what the people of the Bahamas decided that we want them to do or not, the reality is we did our job. So the relevancy is not based on what happens at the end of the day, the relevancy is what do we do to get the people of the country to think about what we are doing and to respond to it. How the government responds has nothing to do with us.”

When asked whether or not he felt that the religious body was representative of the Christian community, Rev Patterson said the council has registered up to 90 per cent of the denominations active in the country.

He noted that convicted sex offender Randy Fraser’s new church was not registered and that there was no application pending from Palms of Victory Kingdom Ministry.

“The challenge we have, however, is that we have a lot of independent churches who are not members of the Christian Council that we have no oversight on. So when things happen in these independent churches the first question that is asked is what is the Christian Council doing, but we have no control over what they do. People have a right to association, a right to worship, a right to do as they please.”


Publius 10 years, 11 months ago

Sure. Why watch porn in the privacy of your home when you can peek into a church building window at just the right time and perhaps catch a glimpse of the pastor having sex with someone?

Questionmark 10 years, 11 months ago

I don't see what this has to do on anything, your worried about porn am worried about the newly appointed pastor Fraiser.

ThisIsOurs 10 years, 11 months ago

Both are concerns, social fibre in the country is rapidly degrading. Is manifestation is Frasier.

Annoyed242 10 years, 11 months ago

OMG....really??? Out of everything going on in the Bahamas he's making a fuss about porn? What about the murder rate, murderers being released and committing the same crime over....This country is full of religious hypocrites that makes noise about these things publicly and behind close doors engaging way beyond the issues at hand. If Bahamians are now making porn I say kudos to them. The tv stations is charging the viewing of "American porn"...They need to put some of the Bahamian Porn up as well. We're adults and its entertainment stop making a fuss about LIFE!!!!

slim242 10 years, 11 months ago

This has been going along time now, nothing new. Wow you just found it. What you need to do is tell Randy Frasier that he has to close that church that he open. That is a problem.

BahamianAway 10 years, 11 months ago

Just one of the many issues that the Christian Council is using to sway Bahamians from the real issues at hand. Let's make a big deal about the porn industry but let's be closed mouth about Mr. Fraser running a church. My goodness when will we get tired of the flash and glitter to hide the real truth. Christian Council is useless...

Bahamianpride 10 years, 11 months ago

Keep your religion i'm watching porn...

oasisbeginnings 10 years, 11 months ago

The Christian council has a problem with any minor problem but never seem to bring up discussions or solution/ alternatives to the major issues in The Bahamas. Such as the violence and the situations of people and children not having food. What about Those issues? A slight movie or concert comes and they dislike it then they shout and protest on it but when such serious things occur they go quiet, as if they're indulging or playing a blind eye on it. Reminds me of these politicians, they discuss issues and matters of less relevance and surpass the major issues. Is this what we become as a people?

oasisbeginnings 10 years, 11 months ago

When Randy Frasier came out of jail and started the church, "The Lord forgives and it can't be stopped" and such which is correct the Lord is a merciful and forgiving Lord but consequences do come with these actions done by supposedly a "MAN OF GOD!", A man who was looked upon as a role model sinned in The House of GOD and is now going back as if nothing happened. It's small things like this that develop into major problems in our community. You bend a tree from young to grow in the direction you want it to grow in. With that said start implementing and keeping laws and standards of the little issues from the beginning then we may prevent larger or more serious incidents from occurring.

Thinker 10 years, 11 months ago

Ok, I'm sick of hearing the Christian Counsel on pretty much anything. People, teach your children well and don't expect others to teach them for you. THERE IS NOT A LAW ON THE BOOKS THAT WILL PROTECT YOU FROM DANGEROUS PEOPLE. As a society, it should not take laws to bring someone to justice for wrong doings. As a People, we can oust those who are not worthy of running churches or leading political parties. Just simply speak up collectively.

Thinker 10 years, 11 months ago

Now, another point, if you allow a Christian coalition to remove certain televised programs, then you are again giving them permission to delve into the removal individual liberties. God leaves us to be free, He speaks of choice often in the Bible. There is no need for people to tell you what you can and cannot do. If you believe in the Bible, read it and decide for yourself, as God intended.

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