Curbing violent crime

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a concerned citizen of our beloved Bahamas, we need repeated protests and outrage shown to ensure that as a society we are able to live in a country where we can walk at night, feel safe in our homes, feel confident that our partners will not abuse us, and our children will be safe in schools from predatory teachers.

The country’s nonchalance towards violent crimes is frightening. We worry about what is happening in America with blacks being killed, when we have it confronting us on our streets on a daily basis.

Respect for human life is the starting point for this culture of violence. Families, and communities are being torn down and destroyed by violence, and we have an obligation to respond.

Words cannot stop weapons, and statements will not contain hatred. But commitment and conversion can change us and together we can change this violent culture and our communities.



December 8, 2014.


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