'How can tax ducker lecture Bahamas on VAT?'


Tribune Business Reporter


The Bahamas Federation of Retailers (BFR) yesterday questioned how one of the Government’s leading Value-Added Tax (VAT) consultants could “lecture” Bahamians on the need to pay taxes when he was in default on his own.

Responding to reports that Ishmael Lightbourne, the co-ordinator of the Government’s VAT implementation unit, has not paid real property taxes in his home for 10 years, the Federation, which represents more than 100 retailers, said the issue brings into focus the “fundamental disconnect” between the Government’s attitude towards taxes and the tax payers.

Highlighting the hypocrisy, it said: “Why should we, the people of the Bahamas, be lectured about the need for new taxes from someone, if it is indeed the case, who hasn’t paid their taxes?

“Why should we, the people of the Bahamas, listen to someone who is breaking the law by not paying the taxes they are legally obligated to pay to their government? Why are so many of our people able to avoid paying their existing taxes, and how is it that our government is unable to collect what they are legally owed?”

The Federation added: “It also raises the question of how many MPs owe taxes to the Government? How many government corporations fail to pay their taxes? How many contributors to the major parties are able to avoid paying their taxes? What will stop them from avoiding VAT as well?

“If we can’t fix the existing system, then why should any of us have confidence that a new tax system will work better if it is more complicated to administer?

“Fixing the existing system would have been smarter. The IMF estimates that the Government, in recent times, only collects about 25 per cent of the taxes it is legally owed. This was true for both the FNM and PLP administrations, so this is not a party issue. This is a Bahamian issue that cuts across parties and politics.”

The Federation continued: “This is a citizen’s issue. By global standards, that low rate of tax collection is dysfunctional. It is no wonder that our deficit and debt have soared over the last few decades if our government is only collecting about 25 per cent of what they are legally owed.

“There is no excuse for that. They are the Government, and they have the power of the law on their side. They are legally obligated to collect all taxes from all citizens equally, without favouritism. It is a failure of governance and it points to a deeper cultural problem with respect to the payment and collection of taxes. VAT will not fix that problem.”

The Federation further charged: “The deficit and debt exist because people who should be paying the existing taxes, NIB, real property and Customs dDuties, which, by law, they are legally obligated to pay or suffer consequences, use their government connections to get away with not paying their taxes.

“Instead of the Government punishing tax avoidance, it gives discounts and amnesties to those who avoided paying while doing nothing for those who paid on time. The message is: ‘Don’t pay on time, we will then give you a tax break at a later date’.

“If you ran a business that way, you’d be broke, too. This pattern of neglect and and favouritism, compounded over decades, has resulted in government not collecting the revenue it is legally owed which, in turn, has led to our massive deficits. It is the primary reason for the Bahamas having a debt of $5 billion today.

“Government should enforce the existing taxes instead of introducing a complicated tax like VAT in the middle of our nation’s economic recovery from the deepest recession in living memory.”

The Federation said new taxes, without focused and serious fiscal reform, are “simply not the answer and will fuel unemployment”.


sheeprunner12 10 years, 7 months ago

Dont know the good gentleman, but this makes the PLP government look BAD

Is Ishmael Lightbourne a PLP surrogate???????? LOL

Honestman 10 years, 7 months ago

The PLP does not need anyone else to make it look bad. It's a done deal!

The_Oracle 10 years, 7 months ago

Thankfully Businesses are not run that way, otherwise they wouldn't be around to collect VAT for the Government! A little disclosure would go a long way, as no doubt Mr. Lightbourne is not alone! Funny how we all want to demonize Merchants and business owners, and while there are always bad apples in every barrel, the Government barrel must be fully rancid!

watcher 10 years, 7 months ago

Is this the same Mr Lightbourne who was / still is a bigwig accountant and had some perfume shops on Bay Street ? If so, then he should know better than to be a tax dodger.

JD 10 years, 7 months ago

Is this 'Rory' guy for real!!! Please leave the room.

Jungle_Jim 10 years, 7 months ago

Come on Rory, you are better than that.

Cornel 10 years, 7 months ago

So what if he is behind on his taxes. Most other Bahamians are late on theirs bills too. According to an article in this fine newspaper dated June 10, 2013

“Of our roughly 65,000 to 70,000 residential customers, 90 per cent have arrears more than 90 days past due... The value of those arrears is in the neighbourhood of $26 million,” Mr Miller said.

90% are past due! ! ! !.

No one pays their bills in this country. It's "unbahamian" to pay on time

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