Tribune Staff Reporter
POLICE have detained three men for questioning following a daring daylight robbery that threw a local bank into frantic confusion when the culprits began firing shots.
A RUBIS gas station employee was robbed at gunpoint of a deposit bag at around 10am just outside the entrance of CIBC FirstCaribbean’s Harbour Bay branch.
The robbers got out of a silver Honda Civic and immediately began firing shots. One CIBC customer said everyone dropped to the ground, afraid the bank was being stormed.
Officials at the bank refused to comment, but The Tribune understands the man was about to make a deposit when he was approached by two men armed with handguns. They robbed the victim of an undetermined amount of money.
The suspects escaped in a waiting vehicle believed to be a Honda Accord.
Acting on a tip, officers went to the Kemp Road area, where they took three men, ages 33, 32 and 18 into custody for questioning.
An eyewitness said: “I was in the cashier’s line when I heard people start shouting, and then a shot went off. Everyone dropped down on the ground. It sounded as if the gun was being fired inside the building and everyone thought the bank was getting robbed,” the source said.
“Women started throwing their handbags over the counter and businessmen did the same with their deposits, to stop them from being stolen. The woman who was served just before me was walking out when the robbery happened. When I came outside I saw her there crying. She said the man who was robbed was walking towards the door when this car came across and they started shooting and took the money. It was a scary experience.”
The Tribune understands the entire incident was caught on the bank’s security camera and the tapes were handed over to police.
No one was hurt during the robbery and business operations at the bank were not affected.
Police also recovered a discarded handgun and what they believe was the getaway vehicle.
Investigations continue.
CommonSense 11 years, 1 month ago
Broad daylight in Harbour Bay! You know the types of people that frequent that particular shopping centre...they gonna stay in their houses on the Eastern Road now. My thing is...if you're going to rob why must you shoot? Snatch my bag and leave you don't have to fire shots at me to get me to hand it over believe that.
briwest1773 11 years, 1 month ago
An 18 yr old hanging out with 30yr old thugs! That's why we are breeding criminals so many bad examples for the young men just coming out of school. Kudos to the RBPF for catching them so quickly! I hope we make an example out of them!.
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