‘Going against referendum vote would be political suicide’

Lyall Bethel

Lyall Bethel


Tribune Staff Reporter


ANY DECISION to act against the thousands of Bahamians who voted “no” to legalising numbers in the Bahamas is “political suicide”, according to an influential religious leader yesterday.

Lyall Bethel, pastor of the Grace Community Church, urged Prime Minister Perry Christie to draft and table a collection of Bills for Parliament that would allow the government to confiscate the finances accumulated through playing numbers.

The funds, Mr Bethel suggested, could be used to improve conditions of inner city communities and assist families affected by the recession.

His comments come as public debate has been reignited over how the government should approach the illegal industry, especially since a new taxation system, VAT is set to be imposed upon Bahamians on July 1.

Mr Bethel said: “I don’t want him to feel as though he is under attack, but the Prime Minister must have the strength to control the reigns of governance. If he succeeds we all succeed, if he fails we all fail.

“The results of the referendum cannot and should not be dismissed. People got up and out of their homes, caught the a bus or drove and went to the polls to vote. It cannot be glossed over the people have spoken. It is foolish and political suicide to go against what the people want.

“Since then the number houses have proliferated. We call on the Prime Minister to heed the voice of the people.

“I don’t believe the Prime Minister is powerless. Although it might appear that way, he can bring forward a packet of bills of that can affect change.”

Nearly a year ago, on January 28, 2013 almost 52,000 people voted against web shops and more than 31,000 others voted in favour of the business. The numbers were equivalent to less than half of the country’s registered voters.

The following day, Mr Christie ordered that all web shops cease their gaming operations.

He had said in the lead up to referendum day that his administration would follow the law after voters had their say. But numbers bosses took legal action on January 30 in the Supreme Court.

In response to their application, Senior Justice Jon Isaacs granted an injunction that prevented the government and the police from taking any action against the patrons and operators of web shops pending the outcome of a conservatory order that was filed by attorneys representing the web shops.

However, the Judges also pinpointed that authorities could still carry out their lawful duty in investigating and possibly prosecuting web shop operators on reasonable grounds that they are suspected of breaching the Lotteries and Gaming Act.

Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson then confirmed the government’s plans to file an application, which was done on March 13 to lift the injunction.

The request was taken before  Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett on April 2. A week later, the judge lifted the conservatory order and dismissed their application for interlocutory injunction.

On April 17, 2013 Court of Appeal judges considered a conservatory order for web shop operators noting that web shop owners were allowed to carry out their businesses licensed as legally licensed business operations.

Later an application for a stay, filed by lawyer Wayne Munroe, who represents Island Game, Island Luck, FML, Asue Draw, Whattfall and Chances, was rejected.

Mr Munroe filed an appeal, but later abandoned the effort.


B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago

Amen my brother!! I might just have to start getting religious all over again!!

jackbnimble 11 years, 1 month ago

I was wondering when someone from the Vote No campaign would say something. To say it is an insult against everyone who voted "NO" to now go ahead and legalise gambling is an understatement, so say the least. This Government has clearly been bought by the numbers men and is hell bent on paying them back, no matter the wishes of the electorate. And even if you use the argument, as the numbers boys are now doing, that the vast majority of registered voters did not participate in the referendum so the result cannot be relied upon, the bottom line is the majority of those who voted, clearly voted "NO" with the understanding that if they did so and their NOs were in the majority, then the web shops would be closed!

Honestman 11 years, 1 month ago

I think the good Pastor is wrong - legalizing the numbers houses will not be an election loser for the PLP. I believe most Bahamians will support the government on this if it means the VAT rate can be reduced. Many of the 52,000 voters who voted NO in the gambling referendum voted that way because they recognized the Prime Minister's duplicity in the whole affair. They punished him with a NO vote even although many of them played numbers. The PM has now admitted he made a mistake in calling a referendum. Indeed he did and it was a costly one for the country. But the PLP won't fall at the next election because they do an about face on this. They will fall because they lied to the electorate, selling the notion that they had the answers to crime, jobs and the struggling economy. It is clear that it was all a big con. The PM's latest brainwave, a door to door crime survey just goes to show how devoid they are of ideas to solve the country's problems. The jobs haven't materialized and Fred Mitchell's Immigration regime is doing its level best to scare away foreign investors with its hostile attitude to foreigners. But no, the PLP will not be committing political suicide if it decides to legalise the numbers industry - the party's prospects at the next election are already dead!

jackbnimble 11 years, 1 month ago

So you are saying you know the mind of the persons who voted? Huge assumption. I agree, though, with the last line of your post. LOL!!!

John 11 years, 1 month ago

There is a saying in economics that 'bad money will chase away good money'. That is exactly what we are experiencing in the Bahamas today. Because the government failed to regularize the web shop and their form of gaming, they are now pulling millions and millions of dollars out of the legitimate economy and underground. And the more government fails to act the more damage is being done...BAD MONEY IS CHASING AWAY GOOD MONEY..Our natural economy is drying up while the web shop owners are carting away millions and millions of good money. Someone has to make a decision sooner or later and theiris separation of church and state for times like these

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago

Nearly two years ago, on January 28, 2012

Is that timeline correct? Wasn't the election just May 2012? Khrishna.....

hj 11 years, 1 month ago

I have heard arguments such as "people may have changed their minds about gambling,let's hold another gambling referendum". If that is the case let's call another election as well. People may have changed their minds about that too.

Mayaguana34 11 years, 1 month ago

If I remember correctly this was an opinion poll-The minority responded and it is still within the PM's discretion to make a decision - I voted No because the process was flawed and the result would have benefitted career criminals that continue to blatantly break the laws of this Country (with Government sanction). Introduce the national lottery, regulate this industry and insist that those currently involved be disqualified from participation.

hj 11 years, 1 month ago

Do you honestly believe that PC will dare to do anything against the so called "numbers people". Except the referendum night when he "ordered" the web shops to close down what else has he done? At the end he can always find the excuse that it is not his job it's the police

Bahamianpride 11 years, 1 month ago

Why does the webb shop exist in the first place? If every Bahamian could walk into casino and gamble or purchase a lottery tickets the webb shops would be out of business fast. It is our own government and religious brainwashing by the council that created an enviroment that produced these illegal enterprise by establishing self discriminating laws. What's interesting are that many of the same individuals have benefited financially from payout from these so called illegal enterprises.

TalRussell 11 years, 1 month ago

Comrade Preacherman sufficient Asset Forfeiture Laws already exist, happens all the time with drugs, customs and illegal fishing cases. To my knowledge the only time any sizable asset has ever been seized from a numbers operator was with the $1 million in cash the policemans carted away when they raided a Flowers operated establishment. He's still in court demanding the government return of his $1 million in hard cash they seized.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago

Case in point...the most recent case of the Dominican poachers...yes, they got a decent sized fine, but they got their boat back just to do it all over again. Government should have kept the boat and equipment and sold it at auction to a Bahamian fishing crew. When you start seizing the fishing vessels, see how fast the poachers stay a safe distance off. Maybe if the government realizes they can make a couple hundred thousand or more on the auction of said vessels, they may be inclined to actually chase them down and catch them. Heck...RBDF may even become a profitable undertaking!!

infoseeker 11 years, 1 month ago

Do you really think the PM cares about political suicide? This is his LAST term as PM.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 1 month ago

I think he does...the trip to the pope, the constant references to himself as "the prime minister", the award he was just given (was Rudy King anywhere around?) all say to me that he has real concerns about how history will view him. Reality may say he has to pay the webshops back in some way, but I think he really cares about how people view him.

sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago

Politics is politics

Lyall Bethel is a Rev in a church (aligned to other denominations of Christianity)

There is a separation between Church and State

Render unto Caesar ................. Render unto God

The two lions are fighting over the same pound of flesh

Please................ let it be

banker 11 years, 1 month ago

There might be such a thing as political suicide for the FNM, but not for the PLP. Because the PLP was the party of independence, they always get a free pass from the electorate. They get a free pass for their criminality, for their kleptocracy, for their lies, and for their hearts of darkness. It really is astounding as to how the gold shirt crabs induce stupidity into the denizens of the Bahamaland.

Stapedius 11 years, 1 month ago

Why can't we see that both of these parties are no good? The PLP had some substance but continue to slide down hill with its choice in candidates. The FNM has always had leadership problems as a party and they too run a poor slate of candidates. I don't think the gambling ordeal should be about party politcs at all. Both parties have upheld discriminatory gambling laws against Bahamians for many years. We have had poor representation for years. So it really surprises me that people behave as if its only one party doing nonsense. I've had both PLP and FNM politicians represent my area and for some reason we get the bottom of the barrel from both parties.

The Christian Council appears to be more political than ever these days. Its ashame because they have much more to be focused on in our country. Yet, the only thing they seem to hold press confrences for is gambling. We respect the church, but there really is too much hypocrisy and political agendas at play here. The people of this country elected a government to represent the wishes of the people. We did not elect the Christian Council. I would be more satisified if the people voted no and the Christian Council kept out it. But Patterson and the rest have showed their cards quite clearly.

vinceP 11 years, 1 month ago

Here's an idea. How about we tax the churches, because lets face it. Many of the pastors of these churches are in it for the money and we see these rich guys and turn a blind eye to it, and find ways to justify how these guys can get rich from preaching GOD's free word. Pure BS!!!

Tarzan 11 years, 1 month ago

How about putting all the illegal numbers profits into that "foundation" where the 2% ownership of BTC is going?

sheeprunner12 11 years, 1 month ago

Good ideas ...................... VinceP and Tarzan

However the Church and the Government run by the same group.............Masons

Then you wonder why we up shit creek in this country????????????????????????

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