Wild goose chase over Kylin funds

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The ineptitude of the government with the lack of decision and process to the development proposal of Kylin International, Kenneth Russell, East Grand Bahama has to be explained as there is no sense that government has not discovered whether the promoters have or have not the enormous capital required and before all of that it was suggested that such a proposal is in total contravention of Hawksbill Agreement as it violates numerous covenants in Hawksbill.

As obviously then Prime Minister Ingraham told Mr Russell – stop wasting ma time.

As to whether Kylin International has the capital, surely a request to the Embassy of the People’s Rep of China asking for their intervention, as you love that word so much, they will probably in a day or so advise you.

We all recognise that pre-May, 20l2 after Minister Kenneth Russell was fired by PM Ingraham and it was good PR for the PLP to take up his cause but that’s some 26+ months ago.

The named by Mr Russell financiers have changed so many times anyone has to wonder.

What does the old Bahamian saying say?.....stop this pussy footing around boy!

Government cabinet might not live in today’s world, but we the people do.



July 5, 20l4.


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