Opposition failure on disclosures

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Opposition is a vital part of the Government, but has been quite disappointing. It has failed to exercise its power and represent the interests of the people. House proceedings continue in the usual tit-for-tat fashion as the Opposition opposes everything, but does not advocate for the people. It can’t even be bothered to demand its time in the spotlight.

When, Opposition, do you plan to make use of Opposition Day? Do you not see the value of one day per month when you can set the agenda and pose questions to the other side? Are you waiting for it to be offered on a silver platter?

I sincerely hope every member of the Opposition is not of the same mind as its leader, Dr Hubert Minnis. When questioned about Opposition Day, he articulated its purpose, but when asked what he will do to ensure that it is recognised, Dr Minnis delegated the task to the people. Imagine that! The Leader of the Opposition – who wants to lead this country as Prime Minister – suggested that we hold protests for him and his party – eight elected representatives – to have Opposition Day granted to them.

Our leaders have forgotten their relationship with us. They think we work for them.

Does Dr Minnis really believe we should go to Rawson Square and protest for the Opposition to have its day? Or is he weak and lacking fortitude to demand what is owed to the Opposition and the people it represents? Either way, we have a problem.

When asked about the Public Disclosure Act (PDA), Dr. Minnis stated with confidence that the Opposition had already disclosed. That was proven false. The Chairman of the Public Disclosure Commission, under Section 8 of the PDA, is required to furnish his report to both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. There is no excuse for Dr Minnis’ ignorance. Further, when asked what should be done about those who had not disclosed, he emphatically stated, “Lock them up!”

Later, The Tribune published the names of those who had disclosed, had not disclosed, and refused to comment. To this day, nothing has been done.

The Leader of the Opposition has not enacted his power (under Section 8 of the PDA) to “authorise the furnishing of any information furnished to him by the Commission to the Attorney-General or the Commission of Police.” Section 13 of the Act clearly states that those failing to disclose “shall be found guilty of an offence… liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both such fine and imprisonment”.

The Prime Minister sees the need to fill the public purse and the Leader of the Opposition wants to “lock them up,” so why the failure to act?

It is hot enough without the stale air these pseudo-leaders continue to blow. We, the people, must demand action. Rise up and call upon the leaders of this country to their jobs.

Join me in calling upon the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition to tell their law-breaking colleagues to PAY UP, or LOCK THEM UP!



July 24, 2014.


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