Stand up and deliver

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The fact that the last Referendum was non-binding is not to be argued and Chairman Bradley Roberts must understand that the discussion on what The Hon Loftus Roker has to say about the Prime Minister has nothing to do with a “non-binding” referendum that the people of this nation had to pay more than a million dollars for.

It is not even about the countless parade of experts and advisors this administration has wined and dined at the taxpayers expense; and the seeming refusal of this administration to use that advice; as if these problems will handle themselves or go away.

What is on the table is the fact that Prime Minister Percival Gladstone Christie continues to show by his actions and behaviour that he is not a man of his word and has great difficulty in coming to a decision on anything.

A leader should be able to do two things, make a decision and express an opinion that is his own. Also, he should be adding his own insights to this new thing he is doing with prepared statements, even if you have to struggle through them.

A leader, if he is the real leader has the option of talking to his audience, his nation, in his own voice. This Prime Minister may have too many handlers, we no longer wonder why the party seem to have a problem with Hubert Ingraham.



June 4, 2014.


birdiestrachan 10 years, 3 months ago

It appears the Bahamian people had a problem with your Papa Hubert Ingraham. Especially when he stood on the house floor and said Bahamians need not apply to buy BTC. " Sell it to them and they will mess it up in two years" I suppose all that is all right with you Mr. Hutchinson

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