PM cannot ignore vote

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The referendum was a paid for by public funds just as an election is. All registered voters were eligible to vote just as in an election.

The fact that the Prime Minister does not like the result of the referendum is immaterial. He cannot ignore the result. What will he ignore next that he does not like, the results of an election?

Only a court of law can invalidate an election and then only for good and valid reasons in law.

Only a court of law can invalidate the referendum and then only for good and valid reasons in law.

The voters voted NO in the referendum, their vote has not been invalidated by a court of law. Any act passed by Parliament attempting to turn the voters No into a yes is invalid unconstitutional and void and any action taken under such act is illegal.



June 12, 2014,


Reality_Check 10 years, 3 months ago

Thank you for driving this point home so concisely and nicely. We are a sovereign nation under the rule of law and no one in our government, including the PM, is above the law!

242 10 years, 3 months ago

You mean like the referendum Ingraham held and then abided by the no vote?

242 10 years, 3 months ago

Or you could mean the fact that citizens in 2014 still blame the government for everything and refuse to take action and do better for them self to succeed?

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 3 months ago

Just checked the ip address of commenter "generalcrazy" above - yep, he's none other than Freddie Boy.

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