Taking no action is murder

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Another young man was shot dead in the capital on Saturday afternoon and still it is business as usual.

Not enough Bahamians are concerned with this onslaught to cause a halt in these crimes.

When will the country wake up though? When will we say enough is enough? Will it take a decline in tourism? Will it take a decline in foreign direct investment?

Or will it take several innocent children being killed by stray bullets before we act?

Maybe it will take a senior police officer being shot. Maybe it will take the robbery of a high ranking politician. Maybe it will take the murder of a prominent pastor.

Sadly, all of the above mentioned acts have already happened.

When will the consciousness of Bahamians be awakened? Are we the living dead? Have we been forced into submission?

The US State Department issued a report this week advising its citizens of the spike in crime in the Bahamas.

Will it take another 10 per cent of Bahamian workers going on the unemployment line before the good citizens of this country decide to take action?

Will we continue to be a sponge for the criminals that we are harbouring and protecting?

Non-action is murder. You could be next.



June 1, 2014.


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