Please put sign up

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I think there should be a sign on Obediah Avenue, Fox Hill saying “Children on the road.”

I have seen some close calls. There was a child on the road riding a bike, and a car passed him barely. The car almost hit him.

There are drivers who drive dangerously fast while children are playing.

Sooner or later someone is going to get knocked over, it is a residential area to live in.


11 years old


May 11, 2014.


TheMadHatter 10 years, 3 months ago

There are several side streets off of Bernard Road as well that do not have stop signs (when you are approaching Bernard from the side streets). Also no speed bumps or anything else indicating that you are approaching a major road. I have seen persons come out and even go straight across to the other side of Bernard Road with brakes screeching the whole way.

But, you know, that's the Bahamas. We're just backward like that.


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