Tribune Staff Reporter
LESLIE Miller, Tall Pines MP insisted yesterday that “I have never abused a woman in my entire life”. He claimed that his comments in Parliament last week were spoken in “jest”.
Insisting that most of his political career has been spent defending women, especially single mothers, Mr Miller attempted to add context to his comments which sparked a wave of backlash following publication in a local daily.
At the time of his comments on February 20, Mr Miller said he was criticising the FNM for what he described as them not looking out for the best interests of fishermen while they were in government. He said he likened the previous Ingraham administration’s relationship with fishermen to a woman being abused.
However, FNM Deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner criticised Mr Miller saying that he joked about an issue that is too serious to be spoken about in that manner.
“Mr Speaker during my contribution I said that their so-called love for the Bahamian people was tantamount to you claiming to love a woman and you beating her all the time. It was said in jest and they knew it was said in jest,” Mr Miller explained yesterday.
“Yet in the newspapers this morning in The Nassau Guardian it says Miller under fire for abuse remarks. Anyone in their right mind (knows) that I have never abused anyone in my life in this country.”
However, audio of Mr Miller’s previous comments posted on social media suggests that he has back-pedalled on his initial remarks. Seated MPs could also be heard laughing in the audio as Mr Miller spoke.
In that audio, Mr Miller said: “That’s like beating your wife or your girlfriend every time you go home. You just beat her for looking at her. I love you. Boom, boom, boom. I had a girlfriend like that. When I didn’t beat her she used to tell me I ain’t love her no more cause I don’t hit her.
“But seriously I had one like that. I had one. She used to tell me...”
At that moment, House Speaker Dr Kendal Major interjected stating: “We know that you are joking with that.”
However Mr Miller continued: “No I serious with that. I tell her I get tired man. My hands hurting a little bit, give me a break.
“I am telling you the truth. One thing I don’t do is lie.”
Mr Miller said he was bothered that the story, published on Wednesday, had attempted to attack his character and reputation as a father who has daughters and grandchildren.
“It bothered me that that could be said because it went throughout the media. In fact I got a call from my two daughters this morning seven o’clock asking me what the problem was. Who I was involved with that I abused. My daughters have three children each. I am a grandfather. This is serious business. Don’t try to harm my reputation with lies. I don’t appreciate it.
“I have the right to defend myself. And you know I am capable of doing that. And those who attack me know that because they attacked me before and I attacked them back. Now they going on attack again.”
Last night, Mrs Butler-Turner released a statement expressing disappointment that despite the upcoming celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, Mr Miller’s action was one which signalled great regression in Bahamian society.
“It is a sad day for the Bahamas,” she said, “that the MP for Tall Pines could make such a comment without being rebuked by his party. Indeed, when the Minister of Social Services was asked about his repugnant remarks, she refused to comment. No PLP female MP has condemned his remarks.
“The Prime Minister should publicly condemn Mr Miller’s comments. If he refuses to do so, it will be clear to the women and men of the Bahamas what his attitude is concerning such comments.
“There can be no joking concerning abuse against women, about domestic violence, about rape or about any assault on the dignity and the person of a woman,” she said.
realfreethinker 11 years ago
He said he had a girl friend like that and he was not joking " I am telling you the truth I dont lie " WOW and now that you are called to give an account you only joking ? We reallly dont have any standards for our political leaders
Thinker 11 years ago
Yawn. Remove yourself, please. New members needed ASAP.
Thinker 11 years ago
How is this even funny? If this makes any of you laugh, which it did, you should all exit the podium because you are none too fit to lead.
realfreethinker 11 years ago
And to see a female mp yakking it up is really disgusting.
JohnDoes 11 years ago
This old pot cake is too ratchet for sensible proceedings. PGC needs to carry a muzzle, pincher (training collar) and choker with him just in case things like this happen.
CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago
Nothing is shocking when it comes to this crew...absolutely NOTHING!
newcitizen 11 years ago
This is a disgrace. Do you think other countries allow their elected leaders to even joke like that? These politicians need to be held accountable! They work for us!
All4One 11 years ago
Simply put, this is indefensible. If Mr. Miller is to be understood, he was either lying in the HOA when he assured the Speaker that he was serious in his claim of abusing a past girlfriend, or he is lying now when he says that he was joking. In any case, the gracious thing, the decent thing, the HUMANE thing to do, would be to apologize. Instead, he comes out belligerently accusing others of impugning his reputation! The arrogance and disrespect exhibited by Mr. Miller, and any and all comrades in the HOA who thought these remarks were amusing in any way, shape or form is frankly disgusting. Moreover, I'm shocked that none of the women present saw fit to speak up at the time! Here we are almost 2 weeks later, and we're only just hearing one of our elected officials heard speak out about this??! I suppose it's better late than never. But I still cry shame on ALL members present! Shame on the PM for remaining silent on any and all controversial behavior on the part of cabinet members and his political appointees; shame on us voters for continually electing a group of philistines who are steadily ensuring the decline of the reputation of this country; and, most importantly, shame on Mr. Miller for not being man enough to simply offer up a resounding apology. We really need to move away from this partisan thinking, and knee-jerk defense of this sort of reprehensible behavior. I'm sure that any time now we should expect a glowing defense from Chairman Roberts, dismissing the over sensitive nature of the 'opposition' from a little 'joke'. No. This is not a PLP or FNM thing. This is an unequivocal wrong that needs to be made right. Man up, Mr. Miller.
Thinker 11 years ago
Apologies are not enough. He needs to resign. This man does not represent anyone I know. Nor do the laughing hyenas next to him.
Honestman 11 years ago
It is so sad that the Honorable Leslie Miller should so disrespect the House and bring proceedings down to gutter level by his lack of understanding of what it means to be a Parliamentarian. With the country having so many major issues to confront at this time, Members of Parliament should be focused on debating the real issues of the day and not be side tracked by some classless fool who wants to come over as "Jack the Lad" in front of his raucous cronies. This was the House of Assembly for God's sake, not some over the hill public bar! Regardless of the venue, Miller's comments in the House, whether said in jest or not, were totally unacceptable and represents an attitude towards women that is from the dark ages. I didn't expect any comment from PGC but shame on the women PLP parliamentarians for not speaking out on this. Finally, a note to the electorate of Tall Pines - look for a "pedigree" to represent you at the next election. You can never trust the behavior of a "pot cake"!
CANDACESCOTT 11 years ago
Emac 11 years ago
Real clowns! Who has time to be joking with all the ills in our society anyway? This is exactly how this bunch view the task governing this country, a big joke. Ha ha ha.
ThisIsOurs 11 years ago
What is really shocking is that he thought it was okay to say it. The atmosphere among those men must be horrible. For him to think he could make such a statement to his colleagues and they would not reprimand says something about the bunch..and he was right...they laughed ..
banker 11 years ago
Not only did he beat her, but he took back his toilet that he paid for, out of her bathroom when they broke up.
Reality_Check 11 years ago
sheeprunner12 11 years ago
He is a typical Bahamian "man's man" and "ladies' man" ........ he is popular and crass Go figger.........................
ArtOvation 11 years ago
Check out this letter to the editor:
pablojay 10 years, 12 months ago
And to think that he was brought back after his previous dismal term, shows you the mettle of his leader. We are also reminded of the alleged incident with one of his alleged sweethearts. I am happy to know that none of the women PLP MP's were in the house,with the exception of (you know who),because their response to Leslie's response was deafening!
proudloudandfnm 10 years, 12 months ago
So now Miller is saying he will donate to the crisis center and give a battered woman a job at BEC.
Yes the same guy that was so loud about BEC prices. The same guy that owes BEC thousands of dollars. This same guy will now add to BEC's operating costs by giving out a job as PR Stunt...
Mudda sic man....
ArtOvation 10 years, 11 months ago
Concerned citizens please sign the petition
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