Disappointed with Scotiabank

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please consider the publication of this open letter to the Managing Director of Scotiabank Bahamas.

Dear Sir or Madam:
I was awfully disappointed in your service at your Bay Street Branch today, where I was harassed and denied great care by your security officer at the door and a young male customer service representative; who insisted that I will only be served if I took my hat off.

I have also executed transactions at the Royal Bank Bay Street Branch and Bank of The Bahamas on Shirley Street today, and I was given outstanding service and care by the good staff at those two banks – with my hat on.

I thought banking was your business, but it looks like Scotiabank Bahamas is more occupied with the discrimination of certain customers rather than good old banking. A policeman entered your Bank while I was being treated like an idiot and second class citizen. I asked the security if he will be telling the police officer to take his hat off too. He replied: “You ask him”.

The security officer then went to the counter to instruct the customer service reps to not serve me if I still had my hat on. When it was my time to be served, I ended up at a wicket with a beautiful and friendly lady employee who apparently did not get the message to not serve the hat-wearing me; then, the young male customer service rep joined her, and halted the transaction! I then took my hat off momentarily as I really did not have time to be wasting in Scotiabank with foolishness.

The transaction proceeded and I put my hat back on. The young male employee then told me that he would like to talk with me afterwards; so, he proceeded to the lobby area to wait on me to complete my transaction.

I had no time to waste with the young lad, but I whispered to him while proceeding to the exit, that the big bank robbers are the employees themselves. Go and make sure that Scotiabank Bahamas money is safe from the crooks that might be operating big-time within.

Your no hat policy is stupid and runs contrary to what you are open for; and that’s banking business and quality customer service. The next time I experience such shabby and insulting service from Scotiabank Bahamas, I will seek legal advice.

I want to hit Scotiabank Bahamas where it hurts the most – in your pocket. It’s the only way that you guys will straighten-up and fly right!



March 27, 2014.


Scckb 10 years, 11 months ago

A gentleman will remove his hat without being asked, a spoiled child will not! It helps to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Working in a bank is high risk and rules exist to reduce risk and make it a safer environment for everyone ( including the customer's like you and I).

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