Politics have destroyed our human spirit

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Many of us have traded in our integrity and honesty for loyalty to a political party. We have tortured our conscience by doing and saying things we know deep down inside were not true, not in our best interest or the interest of the country. We have sacrificed our soul on the altar of greed.

Those of us, who have been involved in politics, especially intricately have volunteered to intentionally deceive the public with rhetoric, propaganda and spin to distract and to cover the truth. I confess my sins.

Today, we must now save our souls by abandoning the cause. We know the injustices that have been orchestrated on, especially the least among us, but we sit idly by and watch without saying one word. We see advantage being taken of undeserving people, but we zip our lips to be accepted by the perpetrators. All parties and most politicians are guilty of this.

We see political parties slaughter people by snatching their livelihood and putting families on the poverty line and we say absolutely nothing. We see all political parties reward their friends over and over with lucrative contracts while others in their own inner circle go hungry. We use political promises to neutralise people, hold them at bay and control them.

We have no heart.

The most sanctimonious of us, see jobs taken away by chairman of boards who would preach a sermon in the next hour without any feelings. How cold!

The vicious and conniving games played for and by supporters is ungodly and will come back to haunt all of the culprits, regardless which party they are in.

The grabbing for money will destroy many of us, because we do not know when to stop, so we will expire from being a glutton.

The affiliation to a party seems to have overridden the basic common courtesies. The indignity visited on those who oppose us is unhealthy. The last thing we should not do is to “kill people’s spirit”. We are all guilty of the same things. No one is qualified to say anything of the other.

Politics have turned some of us into animals. We would lie and concoct the vicious damaging nonsense just to gain an advantage. When are we going to say enough of this destructive behaviour?

Too many, but not the entire male politicians, use their position to exploit women, especially the dizzy young ladies who are in search of “loose change”. The calculated destruction, exploitation and manipulation of these ladies by an unscrupulous politician on the campaign trail must stop. Too many lives have already been destroyed.

The unfortunate events of two weeks ago should have opened our eyes. Life is too fickle to be acting like we are gods.

In a fleeting moment it could all be over. Just remember, wind changes directions and nobody can control where it blows from or how fast it blows.

We are only dust!



November 25, 2014.


duppyVAT 9 years, 9 months ago

Way to go Ivoine!!!!!!!! You are a good messenger!!!!!!!!!! You are right on target!!!!!!!

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 9 months ago

Because he didn't get what he was promised, if he had would he have said anything? Don't know....

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