Minnis causes more division

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Since Dr Hubert Minnis won the FNM leadership race last week he has been feverishly attempting to put a stranglehold on the FNM by not observing traditions in the party and not making any effort to unify our party. He is alienating many lifelong and dedicated FNMs.

One would have thought that given Dr Minnis’ isolation of many FNMs during his first term in office he would do things different this time around. Instead he is continuing on the same destructive path he has been on for the last two and a half years.

If Dr Minnis does not change his dictatorial and isolationist style of leadership many FNMs will become discouraged and some will join Branville McCartney’s DNA.



November 30, 2014.


duppyVAT 9 years, 9 months ago

The FNM best hope is HAM.............. live with it and get in line fools. Convention over and to the victor goes the spoils .............. Bran should get on board too if he gat any sense.

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