Airport road a disgrace

EDITOR, The Tribune.

For months on end, I have been travelling along the airport corridor and wondered when the Ministry of Works, or whoever has the maintenance contract, will do something about cleaning up the garbage and weeding and mowing the lack of grass along that strip of highway.

It is so obvious where the airport authority’s maintenance ends and where Baha Mar’s begins as the space in between is a disaster.

Today I counted eight light poles down or listing, the Armco barriers damaged in several places and the weeds waist high in some places.

Either those in authority do not consider this “gateway” from the airport into Nassau as important, or something would be done about it. Perhaps someone is not fulfilling the terms of a lucrative contract. I simply cannot believe that the many senior ministers of government do not see this disaster on their many trips to the airport, particularly the Minister of Tourism.

Come on – get with it.



September 25, 2014.


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