DNA gives a lesson to the FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The march and demonstration outside Parliament by Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney along with approximately 100 of his supporters can be an object lesson for open-minded card-carrying members of the Free National Movement.

While some within the FNM might scoff at the DNA for protesting, I am of the view that the FNM should have been the party out there doing the demonstrating instead of the DNA.

In its current state, the FNM leadership seems to be occupied with internal squabbling over the issue of who should be leader.

As a large political entity that is over four decades old, the FNM’s lack of monolithicity is evidently causing it to miss out on a grand and golden opportunity to consistently and persistently hold the current government’s feet to the fire.

Admittedly, the DNA is still a relatively small political organisation with a remote chance of winning a seat in the 2017 general election.

But at least it continues to give the outward appearance of being harmonious and cohesive. Its membership enthusiastically stand squarely behind McCartney, something that cannot be said of some FNMs who are constantly obstructing their leader, Dr Hubert Minnis. If the FNM is to succeed in 2017, then its members must a take a page out of the DNA’s book by standing squarely behind their leader.



October 1, 2014.


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