PM failing to address important issues

EDITOR, The Tribune.

With a variety of scandal-ridden and off the wire, renegade PLP MPs running amok Prime Minister Perry Christie has consistently failed to address a number of important issues in his party and within the country.

It has been nearly three months since Parliamentary Secretary Renward Wells signed a $650m letter of intent, and Christie allowed the young MP to refuse the Prime Minister’s demand for a resignation, a slap in the face for the PM, and thus far Christie still refuses to fire him.

It took Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis to finally address the matter with the public on Wells after Christie has been mum on the issue for months.

With Fort Charlotte MP, Andre Rollins bashing the PM and the PLP at every turn, it took Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis to terminate Rollins from his appointment as Gaming Board Chairman. This was done while Christie partied in Las Vegas and failed to deal with the MP himself.

The infamous BEC Chairman Leslie Miller speaks comfortably about beating his female companions. BEC Chairman Leslie Miller faced numerous scandals for a time of owing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the very corporation that he heads, while chastising poor Bahamians and foreign direct investors to pay theirs or face their power being terminated.

While it is alleged that there is some special list of political elites who go without paying electricity bills. Whether this rumour be true or false, I don’t know.

Yet Christie failed to address the issue of domestic violence as well as allowed Miller to continue to head the corporation. It once again took Brave Davis to reel in the renegade MP and publicly call on him to pay up. It seems as if Christie just isn’t “Brave” enough to handle his party and govern in our best interest.

It seems as if the Deputy Prime Minister is the man in charge and the one to be called on if there is an issue that needs fixing within the PLP ranks.



October 1, 2014.


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