Minnis is too weak

EDITOR, The Tribune.

This country is in a quagmire. The PLP are heading straight for an iceberg, guaranteed to shipwreck and the opposition, led by Hubert Alexander Minnis, sits idly by and watch.

Many FNMs panic when Minnis gets up to speak; we never know when a “quagmire of web” will come racing out of his mouth. Can we gamble with Minnis, who is never taken seriously when he speaks.

The leadership race, while it has not been officially announced will be one, which a party will decide if the FNM wants to win in 2017 or wait for 2022. Minnis is whom the PLP want to meet, because he would offer little resistance.

The common reasoning is that they cannot support Minnis and that the FNM is falling apart under his leadership.

It is clear that the FNM is only a shadow of its former self and needs a lot to be desired. Can we gamble anymore with this country?

Can we insult the Bahamas with someone who was never elected to his position to lead us? Minnis was more selected than elected.



October 8, 2014.


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